台湾PDA 厂商代工之机会与威胁.ppt

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* * 挑戰與威脅 產業雖成長快速, 2004 年前每年代工機會應不超過1千萬台, 僧多粥少, 分食者眾 價格競爭激烈, 獲利空間提前壓縮, 廠商如何維持基本毛利為重要課題 產量產值高度集中, 二線廠商缺乏生存利基; 二項廠商進一步整合, 或轉進利基型產品(VAD) 為生存法門 台灣內需市場不大, 區域型自有品牌考驗台灣廠商競爭力 無線通訊系統商之間, 缺乏統一的服務規格 無線通訊整合與輕薄化能力, 挑戰台灣廠商技術實力; PDA+Phone 整合性產品設計能力為未來必經方向 上游零組件尚未能完全自給, 穩定貨源與價格為競爭力關鍵 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wide coverage Centralized manufacturing engineering control Centralized quality control * * * 台灣 PDA 廠商代工之機會與威脅 鄭定群 緯創資通資深副總 * List of Content 資通產業(ICT)大趨勢 全球PDA 銷售成長分析 主要廠商 出貨量, 成長率 PDA 代工產業策略矩陣分析 價值鏈與策略矩陣 主要策略要素 / 成功要素 台灣PDA 廠商戰略位置 台灣出貨量/全球出貨, 成長率 PDA 個別廠商競爭優勢 產業結構與關鍵零組件供應鏈分析 緯創之佈局 結論 台灣廠商競爭能力雷達圖 趨勢與機會 挑戰與威脅 * The future, In five years time... Bandwidth becomes cheap and plentiful - a commodity market Wirelessness and pervasiveness are the norm Software and devices take a much larger share of the value chain The Individual becomes King Seismic shift of majority Internet user population to Asia Pacific regions ‘E-’ or ‘I-’ disappears as it becomes part of everyday life Software market is fully componentised IP everywhere - mobile, broadband, broadcast media User privacy, consumer protection and security have become the focus for global regulatory organisations Adapted from: Ovum (Global trend in ICT, convergence and implications for industry players) * Convergence of digital media Transformation from products into services Diversification of information access stimulates stimulates stimulates The Value Chain is shifting... Creation and aggregation Application platforms Devices Delivery networks 2001 2006 … to benefit the content, software and device industry Creation and aggregation Application platforms Devices Delivery networks Adapted from: Ovum (Global trend in ICT, convergence and implications for industry players) * 全球PDA整體出貨統計預測 調查單位 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 日經MA 300 600 1069 -- -- -- -- -- 日電波新聞(註) -- -- -- 1160


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