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葡萄酒知识大全 1. When will this wine be at its peak? 1、酒的价值在什么时候是最高的? First, remember that most wines are made to drink when they are released. In terms of fine, ageable wines, there are all sorts of online sources that will give you a ballpark idea of theoretical peak readiness. But every bottle is different and there are many variables, such as storage conditions and personal taste. Open a special bottle when the moment seems right to you. If you have an old bottle like those old Lafites, make a special meal, open the bottles and celebrate the memories. If you simply cant stand to do that alone, remember that Open That Bottle Night is the last Saturday of February. Thats when you can join others like you, world-wide, in opening their special bottles. 首先要记住一点,葡萄酒生产出来就是为了喝的。针对那些可以长时间存放的精品葡萄酒, 网上有各种资源会给你一个理论上的最佳存放时间;但每一瓶酒都是不同的,存放状态不一样, 每个人的口味偏好也不一样。当你觉得某个时刻值得庆祝时,就打开一瓶特殊的葡萄酒吧。如 果你有一瓶拉菲这样的陈年葡萄酒,那不妨准备一顿丰盛的美食,开瓶庆祝一下美好的回忆。 如果你不愿一个人独享,那就记住每年的开瓶夜 (Open That Bottle Night)是二月份的最后 一个星期六。在这一天,你可以和全世界的葡萄酒爱好者一起,打开你们珍藏的那瓶陈年葡萄 酒。 2. Im going to a wine region; what wineries should I visit? 2、我要去一个葡萄酒产区,应该去哪些酒庄呢? Whether you are going to Napa, Piedmont or Chateauneuf-du-Pape, our advice is the same: Drop into the little places youve never heard of. You are more likely to meet the actual owners or winemakers and have a better time. Not only that, but these are the wines you could never buy at home, so heres your chance. 不管你去 Napa、Piedmont 还是 Ch teauneuf du Pape,我们的建议都是一样的:去你 从没听说过的小地方。这样的话,你更有可能遇到真正的酒庄主人或葡萄酒生产者,度过更加 愉快的时光。此外,你还能在那里买到在家根本买不到的葡萄酒,真是一个难得的好机会。 3. Why does wine give me headaches; sulfites, right? - 1 - 3、为什么我喝葡萄酒后会头疼,是因为葡萄酒中含有亚硫酸盐吗? Wrong. Sulfites cause very severe allergic reactions in a small number of people, even death in extreme cases, which is why the


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