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致和君同仁 发奋读书:为造就一个有传世意义的中国字号咨询公司,为在世界商学流派中崛 起一个中国学派而发奋读书! 所有和君人都必须谨记:麦肯锡、BCG、罗兰·贝格、AT科尔尼、BAIN等等陆续 进入中国市场的国际一流咨询公司,它们再优秀,再能征服中国客户,再能为中 国企业解决管理问题,它们都不可能给中国人带来民族自豪感!只有中国本土咨 询人争气,造就“中国字号”咨询公司的崛起和传世,真正做到让全社会心悦诚 服的优秀,直至能够在全球范围内征服世界500强那样的客户,才能给中国人带 来民族自豪感!如果我们想最终确立起真正崇高的职业尊严和职业荣誉,那么我 们,每一位和君人,都必须把这样一种造就民族自豪感的冲动,把这样一种对崇 高的职业尊严和职业荣誉的向往,当作自己整个职业生涯里纠缠不息的情结和矢 志不渝的追求! 人生是为一件大事而来:我们,和君人,就是为这样的一件大事而来――造就一 个真正能体现中国智慧深度和东方文化魅力的中国商学派!是的,中国的智慧深 度和东方的文化魅力! 底蕴的厚度决定事业的高度:让我们从这里出发,从发狠夯实基础知识底蕴着手! 和君咨询师 《专业基础知识及其应用》资料选读 Table of Contents A Note On Frameworks Strategic Tools Frameworks Economics Frameworks Finance Accounting Frameworks Sample Cases… An Introduction Sample Case Suggested Solution Profitability Cases Market Entry General Strategy Cases More Case Questions To Try Market Sizing Estimation Cases More Market Sizing Estimation Cases To Try Brainteasers Cases With Slides A Note On Frameworks By the time you face a client, we would like you to feel very confident that you can listen to a description of a situation, and rapidly put together a systematic, logical way of analyzing it. As a consultant, the first important thing is how well you break a problem down and then logically try to solve it. We want you to be able to say to yourself, “I’ve done this for several cases; I know I can deal with it.” A framework can guide your intelligent questioning of the clients, lets you lay out your analysis in a coherent manner, and lets you apply your experience to the case by pointing out how the case is an instance of a more general problem to which your experience applies. We cannot overemphasize that this is a skill developed through practice. There is no substitute for confronting a case, building your own systematic way to analyze it, then improving your model through discussions with others.


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