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第 15 卷 第 1 期 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报 Vo1.15,No.1 2017 年 2 月 Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology Feb.,2017 文章编号:2095-4980(2017)01-0110-05 可互换仪器程控命令封装库设计与实现 陈鑫友,郭海帆,陈建华,王 强,蒋 波 ( 中国电子科技集团公司 第 29 研究所,四川 成都 610036) 摘 要 :为实现自动测试系统中仪器的可互换,运用通用模块构建(CBB) 思路,通过动态链接 库(DLL)技术 ,设计与实现了可互换仪器程控命令封装库。该封装库具有品质高,通用性、实用性 和可扩展性强等特点,不用修改自动测试程序而实现不同仪器之间的互换,实现了自动测试程序 和仪器驱动完全分离,有利于自动测试系统的升级和移植,极大提高了自动测试系统的开发效率。 关键词 :仪器封装库;自动测试;动态链接库;互换性 中图分类号 :TN307 ;TP216 文献标志码 :A doi :10.11805/TKYDA201701.0110 Design and implementation of interchangeable instrument driver CHEN Xinyou,GUO Haifan,CHEN Jianhua,WANG Qiang,JIANG Bo (Southwest China Research Institute of Electronic Equipment,Chengdu Sichuan 610036,China) Abstract: For the realization of the automatic test system of interchangeable instrument, using the Common Building Block(CBB) models, through Dynamic Link Library(DLL) technology, the interchangeable instrument command package library is designed and implemented. The package library bears the characteristics of high-quality, versatility, practicality and scalability and so on. It can achieve the interchanging between different instruments without modifying the automatic test program, and can separate the automated testing procedures from the instrument drivers completely. It is beneficial to the upgrade and migration of automatic testing system, and improves its development efficiency greatly. Keywords: instrument driver;automated test;Dynamic Link Library;interchangeable 目前,自动测试系统已广泛应用于国内各个行业科研生产的多个领域,如模块单元的调


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