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. PAGE .. Lesson 1 1、这是私人谈话。This is a private conversation . 2、我昨天去了戏院看戏。I went to the theatre yesterday. 3、我听不到你在说什么。I cant hear you. 4、我很生气地向坐在我旁边的人抱怨。I complain to the guy next to me. 5、他们一点也不在意我说的话。They did not pay any attention to my words. 6、请勿在公共场所大声讲话Dont speak loudly in public please. 7、故事讲的是一个漂亮的小女孩。The story tells about a pretty little girl. 8、我今天在街上看到一对粗鲁的男女。I met a rude couple in the street. 9、他们很粗鲁地说:“这是我们之间的私人对话!” They said rudely:This is a private conversation between us! 10、那是我哥哥的私家花园Thats my brothers private garden. 11、这里太吵了,我受不了。Its too noisy here, I cant bear it. 12、我回头的时候,吉米走了进来。When I turned around, Jimmy came in. 13、请你重复一次好吗?Could you repeat it please? 14、我总是在星期一去学校,星期五从学校回家。 I always go to school on Mondays, and go back home on Fridays. 15、就在那时,我的手机掉到地上了。 Just then, my cellphone fell on the floor. / Just then, I dropped my cellphone on the floor. 16、就在那时,老师回过头来生气地看着我。 Just then,the teacher turned round and looked at me angrily. Lesson 2 1、你每天都这么早起的吗?Do you get up early everyday? 2、你就不能早点起来吗?Cant you get up earlier? 3、别在课堂上大声说话。Dont speak loudly in the class. 4、请多注意你的工作。Please pay more attention to your work. 5、我从来都不知道这件事。I never knew this thing. 6、外面很亮了,赶紧起床吧。Its bright outside, get up quickly. 7、从我房间的窗户往外看是一所学校。 There’s a school that I can see from the window in my room. 8、我要睡了,请别打扰我。Im going to sleep,dont bother me please. 9、我听不明白你的话。I dont understand your words. 10、你不必担心它。You dont have to worry about it. 11、你昨晚几点睡的?What time did you go to bed last night? 12、我会在这里等到5点。Ill wait here until five oclock. 13、他们真傻!How fool are they? 14、你能重复一下最后一个字吗Could you repeat the last word? Lesson 3 1、我整个月都在想着考试。I was thinking about the exams the whole month. 2、最后,我做了个重要的决定。At last,I made a big decision. 3、那个老人每天都坐在公园里。The old man sits in a park everyday. 4、汤姆花了一整天一封信也没写出来。 Tom spent a whole day, but still wasn’t able to write a single letter. 5、那封信花了汤姆一整天时间。The letter cost Tom a whole day. 6、离我们村不远有一家博物馆。There is a museum not far away from our village.


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