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小班幼儿同伴交往能力的培养 摘 要 幼儿同伴交往能力是其发展社会能力、提高适应性、形成友爱态度的基础。然而小班幼儿正处于自我意识形成的初期,往往以自我为中心,缺乏交往能力,并经常产生冲突。此时,培养幼儿广泛的交往兴趣,使其在交往过程中体验和感受到快乐,形成积极的交往态度是非常重要的。同时,培养幼儿正确的同伴交往方式,学会基本的交往规则,能为日后建立良好的同伴关系奠定基础,这对幼儿、家长和幼儿园三方都具有重要意义。本文通过对小班幼儿同伴交往过程中存在的问题及产生原因进行较为系统的论述,从而分析提出培养小班幼儿同伴交往能力的策略。通过查阅文献、访谈、调查等方法,收集、整理现有培养小班幼儿同伴交往能力的有效措施,以求小班幼儿能与同伴顺利交往,友好相处。与此同时,对于有关培养幼儿同伴交往能力、促进幼儿同伴交往发展等相关学前教育理论,起到理论扩充的作用。 关键词:小班幼儿 同伴交往 能力 策略 ABSTRACT Children peer intercommunion capacity is the development of the social ability, enhance adaptability, formed the basis of friendly attitude. However small children are in the early stages of the self consciousness formation are often self-centered, lack of communication ability, and often create conflict. At this time, foster kids extensive contacts in the communication interest, experience and feel happy in the process of interaction, develop a positive attitude is very important. At the same time, foster kids the right way, peer intercommunion learn basic rules for future communication, establish good companion relates to lay the foundation, the children, parents and kindergarten tripartite is very significant. This article through to preschool classes peer intercommunion process problems and causes, this paper discusses the training classes and analyzed and put forward the strategy of peer intercommunion ability to children. Through the review of the literature, interview and investigation method, collecting, sorting existing peer intercommunion ability training classes of preschool children, in order to effectively measures classes with companion friendly exchanges, smoothly. Meanwhile, about foster kids for peer intercommunion ability, promote cheeper to peer intercommunion development education theory, related pre-school played the role of theoretical expansion. Key words: Preschool classes Peer intercommunion ability strategy 目录 1.引言 1 2.幼儿同伴交往能力概述 1 2.1幼儿同伴交往能力的含义 1 2.2幼儿同伴交往能力在幼儿心理发展中的重要性 2 2.2.1有利于摆脱自我中心 2 2.2.2提供情感支持 2 2.2.3促进幼儿认知能力的发展 2 2.2.4有利于幼


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