国际贸易实务模拟TMT答案__上海飞达进出口有限公司 2.doc

国际贸易实务模拟TMT答案__上海飞达进出口有限公司 2.doc

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. PAGE .. 操作一:建立业务关系   你公司是位于上海西部的一家专营轻工业品的贸易公司。公司成立50年以来,在国内外享有很高的声誉,在世界各地拥有大量的客户。   近来,INTERNET网络上有一则消息, 科威特FLEISHMAN-HILLARD公司欲求购中国产的钟, 公司全称和详细的地址为: Fleishman-Hillard Link Ltd. DENSO HALL, KUWAIT PHONE: 77 66 4 79 - 22 04 87 TELEX: 23035 PCOKR PK CABLE: ALPLUCINE FAX NO: 92-21-7736479   请参照上述基本要求, 给对方发一封要求建立业务往来的邮件, 要求格式完整、正确,内容包括公司介绍、可提供的产品介绍, 并随寄商品目录。信函中应表达想与对方建交的热切愿望。   信函日期:2003年3月2日 参 考 答 案 操作一:建交参考 上 海 飞 达 进 出 口 有 限 公 司 SHANGHAI FEIDA IMP.EXP. CO., LTD. 上 海 沪 闽 路 100 号 NO.100 HUMING ROAD SHANGHAI 电话(PHONE): 021?????????? 电传(FAX): 021 FLEISHMAN-HILLARD LINK LTD.?????????????????????????????? DATE: 02-MAR-01 DENSO HALL , KUWAIT Dear Sir, We have got your name and fax number from the Internet and are glad to introduce ourselves to you as a specialized company handling light products. Our firm, which is located in the west of Shanghai, has been dealing in the line of importing and exporting light products for nearly half a century. By now, we have been doing business with customers from many countries, and enjoy a high reputation. As one of the biggest dealers in China, we handle a wide range of clocks ,such as traditional Chinese clocks, electric clocks and so on. Last year, we exported over five million clocks of various kinds to Europe and Northern America. Our twenty years experience of doing business with foreign customers has enabled us to know that Chinese clocks are selling well because of their attractive design, fine quality and low price. So we are confident that our commodities will be proved to be quite satisfactory to your customers. We are now taking this opportunity to express our desire to establish direct business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. For your selection, we are sending you a copy of our latest catalog that might be suitable for your market . With best regards! Yours faithfully, SHANGHAI FEIDA IMP.EXP.CO.,LTD. MANAGER 操作二:出口报价核算 品名: 钟(clock) 型号: 8130G3 7808J1 7808P 8130G


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