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. .. . .. 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 旅游企业市场营销与企业文化 学生姓名 吴帅锋 学 号 0607010310 院(系) 华清学院经济贸易系 专 业 市场营销 指导教师 白晓平 时 间 2010年 6 月 1 日 . .. . .. 旅游企业市场营销与企业文化 专业班级:市场营销0603班 学生姓名:吴帅锋 指导教师:白晓平 摘要 随着全球经济的发展,市场营销与企业文化的作用越来越重要,以往单一的营销模式已经不能适应现在日趋激烈的市场竞争,而企业文化对企业形象的树立,企业品牌的打造也是至关重要的,良好的营销策略与企业文化对于企业来说有种举足轻重的作用。旅游业具有“无烟产业”和“永远的朝阳产业”的美称,它已经和石油业、汽车业并列为世界三大产业。而随着我国经济体制改革的深入,市场化进程的加快,旅游企业也面临着前所未有的竞争,为了加强自身的市场应变能力,具有战略眼光的经营者都在着力打造自身核心的企业文化,并将其与企业的品牌战略结合到一起从而形成了文化营销。本文着重分析市场营销与企业文化的相关概念、对企业的影响作用、联系与区别,并通过对中外旅游企业的现状前景分析,找出中外旅游企业在市场营销与企业文化建设方面的差距,提出相应的解决策略,对我国旅游企业在市场营销与企业文化建设方面提出了切实可行的道路。 关键词:旅游企业、市场营销、企业文化 Marketing and Corporate Culture of Tourism Enterprise Major:Marketing Major0603 Name:Wu Shuaifeng Tutor:Bai Xiaoping Abstract With the global economic development, marketing and corporate culture, an increasingly important role,The previous model can not meet a single marketing is increasingly fierce market competition, The corporate culture of the corporate image of the set, Corporate brand building is essential, Good marketing strategy and corporate culture to a kind of important role businesses. Tourism has a smokeless industry and eternal sunrise industry and the reputation,It has the petroleum industry, automobile industry for the worlds three major industries. With the deepening of Chinas economic reform, speeding up the market, tourism industry is facing unprecedented competition, In order to enhance their market responsiveness, strategic vision of the operators in their efforts to build the core of enterprise culture,And its integration with the corporate brand strategy together to form a cultural marketing. This article focuses on marketing concepts and business culture, the impact on the business role, Chinese and foreign tourism enterprises by the status of the prospective analysis, to identify foreign tourism enterprises in marketing and corporate culture gap, the corresponding solution strategies,Chinas tourism enterprises in marketing and corporate culture put for


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