第01章 国际贸易理论的微观基础(讲义).pdf

第01章 国际贸易理论的微观基础(讲义).pdf

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ChapterChapter 11 Micro-Foundations of International Trade Theoryy StStructture KKey C Conceptts  Relative price 相对价格  PProdductition PPossibilitibility FFrontitier,PPFPPF 生产可能性曲线生产可能性曲线  CommunityCommunity IndifferenceIndifference CurveCurve,,CICCIC 社会无差异曲线 KKey C Conceptts  Opportunity Cost 机会成本机会成本  NationalNational supplysupply curvecurve 国民供给曲线  National demand curve 国民需求曲线国民需求曲线  Terms of Trade,TOT 贸易条件 §§11 TThe Subject and Objective ofhe Subject and Objective of International Trade Theory 一、Concepts of International Trade 1. in narrow sense transnational flow of commodities 2. in broad sense merchandise trade andpp roduction ff actors trade 二、Research Methods of International Trade Theory 1. PPosiitiive AAnallysiis 实证分析 2. Normative Analysis 规范分析 三、The Contents of International Trade Theory Modern trade theory seeks to answer the following questions: the basis for trade (贸易基础) the direction of trade (贸易方向) the ggains from trade (贸易所得贸易所得) §§22 The Basic Analyytical Methods and Framework ofMethods and Framework of International Trade TheoryInternational Trade Theory 一、ThThe F Feattures of Research Methods Take no account of monetary factor • Moneyy illusion (货币幻觉) •• NominalNominal priceprice • Relative price (相对价格) 二二、ThThe MMaiin Anallytiicall Toolls (一)Production possibility frontier and Supply 生产可能性边界与供给生产可能性边界与供给 ((二二))ConsumerConsumer preferencepreference andand CommunityCommunity indifferenceindifference curvecurve 消费者偏好与社会无差异曲线 ((一))PProdductition P Possibilitibility


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