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MJ CRM Website Promotion Plan MJ CRM Website Promotion Objectives Create numerous “MJ Web” endorsement to draw attention and generate traffic flow to CRM web and build connection with Moms MJ CRM Website Targeted Group • Registered MJ product users and MJ members • New MJ product users • Potential MJ product users MJ CRM Website Targeted Group Analysis Targeted group age range: 25-35 female Targeted group characteristics: Career women, financially stable, busy lifestyle Well-educated, high interest in child nurturing information Competitor Analysis Dumex Where to place: 新浪亲子 / 搜狐母婴 / Type: Moving Icon New flash layer The communicated message: Attend”多美滋圆梦 欧洲游活动” The call to action: when click the icon, it will link to the campaign homepage Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Where to place:摇篮网 / 新浪亲子 Type: Full Column The communicated message: Join in ”多美滋金婴会” The call to action: When click the frame, it will link to “金婴会” homepage Wyeth Frame 1 Where to place:新浪亲子/ 摇篮网 / Type: button The communicated message:惠氏金宝宝俱乐部专家坐堂答疑 Frame 2 The call to action: When click the button, it will link to “惠氏金宝宝专家答疑” page. And if you want to ask questions you have to login in or register first. Frame 3 Abbott Frame 1 Where to place:新浪亲子/ Type: Button


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