
江苏译林版三下《Unit 4 Wheres the bird》ppt课件2.ppt

江苏译林版三下《Unit 4 Wheres the bird》ppt课件2.ppt

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Sound time Checkout time Ticking time I want to be your friend. Lets play together. 当你看到表示单词、短语或句子的图片或文字时,请大声读出来; 当你看到 时,请向它打招呼并说Hello,hello! 在铅笔盒上面 在门后面 on in under behind 在椅子下面 在午餐盒里面 我能正确使用in、on、under和behind. I can get 3 stars. What about you? Wow,you did very good job! Look,the bird flies away. Do you want it leave? 看,小鸟飞走了。你们希望它离开吗? Bird,bird,dont fly away. Stand on my desk, and be my friend,OK? 飞走 小组合作,共同合作朗读这首小诗吧! Bird,bird,dont fly away. Stand on my desk, and be my friend,OK? 飞走 小组合作,共同合作朗读这首小诗吧! Bird, bird, don’t fly away! Stand on my desk, And be my friend, OK? 我发现这首小诗里有很多的字母d。我还知道很多含有字母d的单词,咱们来比比吧! Rules: 请每个小组在一分钟的时间内,快速说出含有字母d的单词并记下来,时间到后请组长上台汇报,说出最多正确单词的小组即可获胜。 计时器: 你能告诉我字母d的正确发音吗? Look, the _____ is _____ the ____ _____. (狗在红色的桌子下面。) dog under red stand, desk, red, under, dog, dad, door, behind [ d ] desk good, down, red, window, dog, dad, doll, behind [ d ] Look, the and the are friends. doll dog good I can get 3 stars. What about you? 我知道字母d的发音 ·根据录音,在正确的地方画上你所听到相关文具。 ·一位同学上台完成,其余同学在书p29页上完成。 Try to remember where they are! 在10秒内记住画中的每一样物品的位置哦! Its on the desk. Its on the chair. Its under the desk. Its on the floor. Its behind the door. Its on the desk. Its under the chair. Its on the floor. Its in the pencilcase. 我能正确使用where问问题。 You are so clever. Im very happy to be your friend and play with you! Homework: 1.听读Unit4课文15分钟。 2.完成《课课练》P23~24。


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