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可编辑版 Word完美格式 网站广告投放合同 Website Advertising Contract 甲方:_________ 地址: 联系方式:(邮件) Party A: _____ Address: _____ Contact Info: (Mail) 乙方:_________ 地址: 联系方式: Party B: _____ Address: _____ Contact Info: (Mail) ?目录 ? DIRECTORY ? 合作内容 Article 1 Cooperation Content 3 第二条合同的生效和履行 Article 2 Contract’s Validity and Implementation 3 第三条乙方的责任与义务 Article 3 Party B’s Duties and Responsibilities 3 第四条 违约责任 Article 4 Breach of Contract 4 第五条 合同解除 Article 5 Contract Termination 4 第六条 必威体育官网网址条款 Article 6 Confidentiality Clause 4 第七条 争议条款 Article 7 Dispute Clause 5 第八条 其他约定 Article 8 Other Agreement 5 附件一 Attachment 1 6 合作内容   I. Cooperation Content 1.1 、甲乙双方本着互惠互利的原则达成以下协议:甲方在乙方__(简称“该网站”)__网站的位置(详见附件一,附件一作为本合同不可分割的一部分)上放置乙方广告条。甲方在乙方的该网站投放以下两种广告位: 1.1 Party A and B under the principal of mutual benefit reached the following agreement: Party A at Party B’s __kissanime.ru__ website’s placement (for detail please see Attachment 1, Attachment 1 is an integral part of this Contract) position Party B’s ads. Party A place the following two types of ads in Party B’s website: 1.1.1、在________下,Banner的规格_160___pixed×___600__pixed。每个月的展示量不低于4.5亿,甲方即支付35,000.00(叁万伍千)美金,以上所有的展示量需要有55%来自于Desktop。若乙方的展示量达不到4.5亿,则甲方的支付金额进行相应的递减。 1.1.1 At, the Banner’s dimension is 160 pixel × 600 pixel. Each month’s impressions are not lower than 0.45 billion times, Party A will pay USD $35,000.00 (thirty-five thousand dollars), and out of the total impressions, 55% must come from Desktop. If Party B’s impressions do not reach 0.45 billion times, then Party A’s payment amount will correspondingly decrease. 1.1.2、乙方上述Banner的展示量低于甲方要求的20%(即3.6亿展示量),或者展示量来自于Desktop低于55%,则甲方有权要求解除本协议。 1.1.2 If the above Banner’s impression in Party B’s website is lower than Party A’s request by 20% (0.36 billion impressions), or less than 55% of the impressions are from Desktop, then Party A has the right to terminate this contract. 1.1.3、Skin 每个月的展示量不低于2亿,甲方即支付1


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