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ICS 75.200
Technical code for construction of gathering and transmission
distributing station projects in highly hydrogen sulfide gas field
Technical code for construction of gathering and transmission
distributing station projects in highly hydrogen sulfide gas field
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1 General provisions 1
2 Terms 2
3 Acceptance and storage of equipment. material
and pipeline components 3
3.1 ceneral requirement 3
3.2 pipe 3
3.3 Hot elbow 4
3.4 Valve 5
3.5 Other pipeline components 7
3.6 Welding 9
3.7 Material of coating and heat preservation 9
3.8 Equipmellt 9
4 Installation of static equipment and skid block ..a.rn 11
5 Installation of rotating equipment 12
6 Installation of tower, tower frame, torch
and tail gas funnel 13
7 Prefabricate and installation of pipeline 14
7.1 ceneral requirement 14
7.2 pipeline prefabricate 14
7.3 Pipeline installaljon 17
7.4 Valve installation 20
8 Welding and inspection of pipeline 21
9 Heat treatment of welding seam 22
10 Purge, cleaning and pressure test of equipment
and pipeline system 23
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10.1 General requirement 23
10.2 Cleaning and closed of equipment 24
10.3 Purge and cleaning of pipeline system 24
10.4 Pressure test of equipment and pipeline system 25
1 1 External coating of equipment and pipeline a.a 26
12 Thermal insulation work 27
13 Single e
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