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D es D esign and sim ulation ofdecoupling controlon m ultivariable coupling system N am e:L ong Y uanyuan Tutor:A ssociate Prof.Jiang Pinqun M ajor:C ircuitand System Research direction:Industrialautom ation and control G rade:2007 A bstract In recentyears,w ith the rapid developm entofm odern industry,production process becom es m ore and m ore com plex.T heir controlsystem s are often m ultiple inputand output.C oupling am ong variables becom es a w idespread phenom enon in the control system . T he existence ofcoupling,notonly m ake the system very difficultto control, but also greatly reduce the system s controlling quality.In serious cases, the system w illnotrun.D ecoupling ofcoupled objectis an im portanttoolto im prove the levelof autom ation and m eetthe grow ing requirem ents of the production process.Therefore, decoupling controlling of m ulti-variable coupled system has great practical significance and application prospects. In addition,as C hinas rapid econom ic developm ent,the use of the film is m ore and m ore extensive. Their quality requirem ents are also increasing. Film thickness controlsystem is extrem ely im portantpartof the film production line.The quality of controlling determ ines the quality of film s. A s the film thickness is a typical m ulti-variable coupled system , the study of its decoupling controlling has m ore practicalsignificance and application value. A t first, the dissertation introduces the source of the project, the research background, and its significance. It sum m arizes the current situation of decoupling controlling, analysis m ethod on degree of the variable coupling, three relevant decoupling m ethod, PID controller and neural the basic theory of neural netw orks; T hen, on the basis of the adequate research, the dissertation designs and sim ulates sim ilar-feed-forw ard decoupling PID controlling of the film thickness system ,and R B F neuralnetw ork decoupling PID controlofa tw o-variable coupled s



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