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* 注:指数计算从公司第一次股权切离交易的1983年8月10日开始,假设当天投资者用100美元购买了Thermo电子公司股票、按照市值平均计算的与公司规模接近的行业公司价值和标准普尔500指数。股票价格经过复权。 数据来源:Bloomberg、SP * 惠普业务分拆 美林证券知名分析师米卢诺维奇建议惠普分拆打印机或PC部门,以激励投资者的信心,提升低迷的股价。在过去一年中,美林是惠普的投行业务顾问。 米卢诺维奇认为,公司长期低迷的股价说明,惠普尚未完全取得投资者的信心。从2001年9月4日公司宣布与康柏并购案以来,股票价格下跌了8%,而同期标准普尔500指数仅下降了一个百分点。 股票市场表现不佳的原因: 惠普目前在产品市场处于受挤压状态: 高端的电脑硬件与服务有IBM竞争,低端市场面临着戴尔的威胁。而且,戴尔已经进入了打印机市场,将威胁惠普的传统领地。 * “惠普打印机业务在业界的地位无人可及,对于新兴印刷市场的开拓非常成功,且目前在书籍报刊领域仍有具有广阔的市场增长空间。”但米卢诺维奇同时认为,现在考虑分拆正是时机。 当惠普的PC业绩不佳时,图像与打印设备曾经是公司稳定的利润来源。惠普过去一直用打印机业务的丰厚回报来填补PC业务的亏损。 随着PC产业的复苏,需求趋于稳定,惠普PC硬件业务已连续两年盈利。2002年扭亏为盈,2003年惠普PC带来的每股净收益为37美分,预计2004年可达50美分。 * 米卢诺维奇建议:“选择一,如PC业务可以自给自足,分拆打印机业务可充分体现公司价值;选择二,如果PC业务入不敷出,则应分拆PC部门,避免拖累图像打印业务。” 惠普公司不置可否,“公司相信目前的业务组合是正确的,有能力支持公司的稳定增长和盈利。” * 定向股票 (Targeted Stock /Tracking Stocks ) * Corporation Corporation’s Existing Common Stock Business A Business B Corporation’s Existing Debt Valuation based on performance of both Business A and B Voting power (6) (5) (4) (3) (1) What is Targeted Stock (2) * (6) (5) (4) (3) (1) What is Targeted Stock (2) Corporation Corporation’s Targeted Stock A Business A Business B Corporation’s Existing Debt Valuation based on performance of Business A Shared Voting power Corporation’s Targeted Stock B Valuation based on performance of Business B * Tracking stocks represent shares that are still joined at the hip to the parent (there is no legal separation of the assets or liabilities). The parent and tracking stock operate under one management team and one board of directors, even though the tracking stock finances are reported separately from the parent. * An option for future restructuring A targeted business may be spun off, sold in a public offering, or divested at any time at the company’s option. * Advantages of Tracking stocks over spin-offs (to the issuer) Always a tax-free procedure and if either of the two units were losing money, the earnings from one would offset the losses of the other for tax purposes. Borrowing


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