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F General Safety Information 硫化氢基本常识及一般安全信息 Introduction 介绍 General Safety Information 一般安全信息 Hydrogen Sulfide is a highly toxic, invisible, and explosive gas, which is heavier than air. H2S is sometimes present in natural gas and is perhaps the most dangerous gas encountered in field petroleum operations. 硫化氢是剧毒,无色,易爆炸气体。它的比重比空气重。硫化氢有时存在于天然气中, 是石油开采作业中的最主要的危险气体。 Hydrogen sulfide may be present in natural gas produced alone or in combination with crude oil. 硫化氢可能单独出现在天然气里也可能混合在原油内出现。 Concentration may range from 0.1ppm to a level that will result in sudden death. 它的浓度可以从0.1ppm 到能导致人迅速死亡的浓度。 Requirement/Guideline 要求/方针 It is imperative that all personnel who may be exposed to H2S receive ongoing training on the source and hazards of H2S. This training must at least cover the following topics: 必须对所有可能接触硫化氢的人员进行硫化氢的来源和危害培训。培训至少要包括以下主题: Basic awareness of H2S 硫化氢的基本常识 Places where H2S is likely to accumulate. 什么地方容易积聚硫化氢 Procedures for testing and measuring H2S concentration. 探测和测量硫化氢浓度的程序 The use of self-contained or air supplied breathing apparatus. 怎样使用自供气式空气呼吸器 Where H2S may be present on FPSO 在我们油轮哪里可能出现硫化氢 FPSO STP room Main pump room All process areas Discharge side of any piping Cargo Oil pipe and tanks Sources of Possible H2S Releases 可能出现硫化氢释放的源头 Seals 密封 Fittings 连接装置 Flanges 法兰 Process vessels (condensers) 生产容器(冷凝器) Drains Sample valves排水沟 取样阀 Ruptures 断裂 Other H2S gas potential industries 其它有可能存在硫化氢的产业 Animal fat food processors 动物脂肪和食品加工厂 Fishing vessels 鱼船 Livestock farmers 家畜农场 Mining industry 矿业 Natural gas production 天然气生产 Septic tanks sewage plants 腐烂物的容器 和污水处理厂 Tunnel work 隧道作业 H2S – gas key points 硫化氢气体的要点 Extremely toxic 剧毒 Colourless 无色 Heavier than air 比空气重 Readily disperses by the wind 易被风吹散 Smells like rotten eggs in small concentrations 在低浓度时有类似臭鸡蛋的气味。 Highly corrosive to certain materials 对一些材料具有高腐蚀性。 Burns with a blue flame and produces SO2 燃烧时有蓝色火焰产生二氧化硫 Ignition temperatures 260 deg. 燃点在260度 Hydrogen Sulfide Physi


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