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雅思口语突破之新思路;? 什么原因导致你不愿意开口讲英语呢? 从心理角度来看,怕自己的口语水平差而犯错误会被别人嘲笑占主导因素。 复述的好处在于: 第一,可以轻松驾驭,因为这个过程本身不存在太多的思考和组织,只是一个临时性的输入和一个经过简单加工的输出; 第二,积极的参与,不会有回答一个抽象或者具体的问题时的压力; 第三,逐步建立起自信心和兴趣,以更饱满的状态和积极的心态投入到雅思的学习和备考当中。;练习时间:不低于24小时(以分钟为单位累加计算)。3小时/天,即8天;1小时/天,即24天;半小时/天,48天;时间不确定或者无法坚持的同学,还是坚定不移的飘过吧!推荐每天练习1-3个小时;   ;练习方法: ;注意事项: 1. 在把这个句子表述完成之前,一定不要看原句 2. 你可以把句子表达的不完整或不准确,但是在把这个句子表述完成之前,一定不要看原句 3. 你甚至可以句子说的与原来的含义南辕北辙,但是在把这个句子表述完成之前,一定不要看原句。 4. 不要试图把句子背下来,看一遍即可 ;1. I didnt really have many toys when I was a little boy, the only one I can remember is my plastic toy gun which could be loaded with water and shoot water as bullet. I bought it from the grocery store by myself without permission from my parents. Unfortunately, I did not even have a chance to possess it for a day. When I returned home with it in hand, my mother questioned me how did I get it. I told her I bought it myself, then, she got angry and shouted at me as she thought it was useless and, as a student, I was supported to spend more time and focus on the study rather than playing toys. Finally, she forced me to sent it back to the store and got the money back, even though I was quite reluctant to do so. For a very long time, I could not understand my mom, for I felt she was too strict on me. But, as a grown-up, I realize that whatever my parents did were all for my own good.;2、 Owning a car is not only convenient for commuting, but also it becomes a symbol of social status. So if I could buy a car, the first choice will be Land Rover. It earns its worldwide reputation by its high quality as one of the most reliable vehicles. The manufacturer are mostly focusing on the SUV which could meet the various needs of owner. Either driving in the cities or in the mountain area, the drivers can always enjoy a pleasant journey and arrive home safely. Because it is very spacy inside, the driver could stretch arms and legs after a long time driving to get relaxed. Besides, the space is enough, even if lots of luggages are loaded i


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