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國立成功大學 工業設計研究所 碩士論文 消費者對產品造形偏好之推論模式研究 Consumer’ 研究生:練季旺 指導教授:鄧怡莘、張育銘 中華民國九十二年一月 摘要 隨者「消費者導向」之設計趨勢 的形成,設計人員必須在設計案 的早期階段即充分掌握消費者的喜好, 以期能設計出符合消費者感性 要求的產品,並進而縮短設計時程。感 性工學雖然大量運用在前述的 設計要求上,但是感性工學有其有待克 服的缺陷。同時,在概念設計 階段,並沒有足夠的工具作為設計人員 的參考,也增加了設計的困難 度。 有鑑於相同的造形會產生相同的 意象,本研究提出一套辨別消費 者對產品造形偏好之推論模式,直接以 產品圖片作為設計人員與消費 者溝通的介質,消費者只需要選擇其喜 歡的產品造形圖片,設計人員 可經由圖片中所預先分析的造形元素, 組成消費者所喜歡的造形。如 此一來不僅可以補足感性工學之不足, 而且可以作為設計人員在概念 設計階段之參考。 關鍵字:概念設計、感性工學、消費者導向、造形元素 I Abstract On the basis of the customer-oriented trend in industrial design, the designers have to understand the consumer’s pref erence to the form of product in the early stage of desi gn process, then design new products that can fit in with the consumer’s re quest in sensuous way, and also save some time of work. Kansei Engineering is used in such design task as often as not, but it still has some shor tcomings to over come. Meanwhile there is no enough information for the designer to refer to, which also increases the difficulty of the task. Due to the same form will generate the same image to human. Here presents a reasoning model that can id entify the consumer’s preference to the form of product. There uses the product pictures as intermediary between designers and consumers. Consumers only select the pictures they prefer. Then designer could compose and sketch a new product form by the formative elements, which are analyzed beforehand. Th


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