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亚马逊卖家培训PERFORMANCE 概览 Customer Metrics-客户维度 Order Defect Rate订单缺陷率 Target1% * Negative Feedback Rate * Filed A-to-z Claim Rate * Service Chargeback Rate Customer Feedback 备注: 买家在90天内都可以评价,60天内修改或移除。 Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate a. 买家发起的不算在内 b. 目标 2.5% Late Shipment Rate a. As of March 2015, Amazon changed the way we calculate your late dispatch rate. To help better set customer expectations, an order will now be considered late if dispatch is not confirmed by the expected?dispatch date. An order was previously considered late when the?dispatch confirmation was overdue by three or more days.? b. Target 4% Policy Violations 及时阅读 On-Time Delivery (根据Tracking number来确认) a. Tracking number 在48小时内提供 b. 在规定时间内到达 Contact Response Time 要求: 24 h(包括周末和节假日) A-to-Z Guarantee Claims--亚马逊交易保障索赔 * 买家开AZ的原因:两个重要因素--产品和服务 产品 a. Order not received:买家从未收到货,或超过系统规定的最长配送时间才送达。 b. Product not as described:实物和描述不符。收到损坏,无法使用,材质不同,缺少配件(需要买家提供详细描述)等。 c. Returned item not refunded:买家已退货,卖家未退款。 d. Refused return:卖家拒绝接受符合亚马逊退货政策的退货请求。 服务 a. Service not as described: 卖家提供的服务与产品详情页面展示的不一致。 b. Poor service quality:买家对卖家提供的服务不满意,或买家的权益受侵害。 备注: 1买家仅仅因为对产品失望的情况不适用于A-to-Z。 2买家可以自下单15天后提交索赔,自15天后的75天内为提交索赔的有效期。(共90天) 特殊情况:Buyers have up to 90 days from the original order date to file an A-to-z claim. In exceptional circumstances, however, they can contact our Customer Service department after this 90-day period and we may allow their A-to-z claim to be opened up to six (6) months from the date of purchase. 如何处理AZ? * 7天内回复 a. 点击Represent to Amazon要求仲裁。 b. 提供下列详细信息: 沟通记录 运输信息及签收情况 跟踪号 其他相关信息 是否已经做过部分退款等 * 过3天后直接回复亚马逊邮件(建议立即回复,如果7天内未回复,亚马逊将直接退款给买家)。 如果是亚马逊补偿给买家,会显示Amazon Funded;如果是卖家补偿,会显示Seller Funded。 亚马逊邮件通知处理结果: A-to-z Guarantee Claim Decision Claim Status /Decisions 1. Claim Granted?: Amazons decision was in favour of the buyer and you funded the claim. Seller Funded? 备注:会扣500分,且计入ODR. [判买家赢] 2. Claim Granted? Amazon Funded : Amazons decision


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