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基督教,是一个相信耶稣基督为救主的一 神论宗教。基督教、佛教、伊斯兰教是世 界三大宗教,估计现在全球共有15亿至21 亿的人信仰基督教,占世界总人口25%-30%。 最早期的基督教只有一个教会,但在基 督教的历史进程中却分化为许多派别, 主要有天主教(中文也可译为公教、罗 马公教)、东正教、新教(中文又常称 为基督教)三大派别,以及其他一些影 响较小的派别。中文的“基督教”一词有 时被用于专指基督新教。 Babel Christianity Christianity Notre-Dame Cathedral Christianity Cathedral Church of St.Peter and St.Paul Christianity Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano Christianity Church of St. Sophia Buddhism Buddhism 佛教(Buddhism):世界三大宗教之一,与基督教、 伊斯兰教并称为世界三大宗教。佛教发源于距今 约2553年前的古印度。 广泛流传于亚洲的许多国 家。东汉时自西向东传入我国。佛教的创始人是 释迦牟尼佛,这个名号是印度梵语音译过来的, 释迦是仁慈的意思,牟尼是寂默的意思,寂默也 就是清净的意思,佛是觉悟的意思。 Buddhism Islam Islam 伊斯兰教,与佛教、基督教并成 为世界三大宗教。7世纪初兴起于 阿拉伯半岛,由麦加人穆罕默德 所创。信奉伊斯兰教的人统称为 “穆斯林”。三大圣地:麦加, 麦地那,耶路撒冷。 Islam Religion in the United Kingdom The introduction of Christianity The early Anglo-Saxons were worshippers of natural forces; e.g. thunder, winds, storms, etc. “Religion arose in every primitive times from erroneous, primitive conceptions of men about their own nature and external nature surrounding them.” ( Engles ) There are two established churches in Britain, that is, churches legally recognized as official churches of the State: in England the (Anglican) Church of England, and in Scotland the (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland. Religion in the United Kingdom Religions in history Birtish religious history has been predominantly Christian. It has been characterised by conflict between Roman Catholics and Protestants and by division into separate Protestant churches and sets. Religions in history 1.Christianity was first introduced into Britain by the Romans in the 1st century BC 2.Until the reformation, different religions practices in different nations of what is now the United Kingdom had been established. The English Religious Reformation Henry Ⅷ was about all responsible for the religious reform of the church. There are 3main reasons: a desire for change and reform in the Church had been growing for many years and now, encouraged by the success of


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