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Yongan city has rich bamboo resources and tourism resources, also has a healthy
developmentmoment onbamboo industry.These characteristicsofYongan ciyhelp it
has a big advantage on Bamboo culture activities. Nevertheless, Yongan city has
insufficient in the science, ecological resources and technology of bamboo industry
and industry amalgamation . Bamboo science and technology park is a collection of
bamboo science and technology research, bamboo cultivation, bamboo production,
bamboo product development, which also can be combined with multiple functions
such as ecological tourism, leisure, entertainment and is an integration of the modern
bamboo industry development. Bamboo science and technology park helps Yongan
citypromote the transformation of scientific,technological progress and achievements
of bamboo industry, which has the vital significance on sustainable development of
bamboo industry.
Firstly, I have learned about the development status of bamboo industry and
bamboo science and technology park at home and abroad as well as problems by
referring to related literature, and have learned about an overview of the park by
researching the field combined with relevant information. Also, system analysis of
natural conditions and advantages of the park have been done and giving an
evaluation of bamboo processing industry and bamboo cultivation present situation.
And then I studied the relevant policies and regulations and standard documents,
analyzedthe existingbamboo science andtechnologypark planning case.At the same
time, I have done a system of study from the park management, policy, technology,
capital, services, and various security measures. And finally I put forward a bamboo
science and technology park planning and construction scheme, in order to promote
bamboo industry science technology progress, ecological protection, and culture of
bamboo industryofYongan city.
Key words
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