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PAGE 毕业设计 题 目 SQL注入攻击及防范措施研究 学生姓名 学 号 系 部 专 业 班 级 指导教师 本科毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺书 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文)(题目:SQL注入攻击及防范措施研究)是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的成果。尽本人所知,除了毕业设计(论文)中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本毕业设计(论文)不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。 作者签名: 年 月 日 (学号): 毕业设计(论文)报告纸 PAGE iv SQL注入攻击及防范措施研究 摘 要 随着网络应用的日益广泛,人们对网络安全的重视程度越来越高。与此同时,网络攻击也不断变换目标和攻击方法。现在,针对Web应用系统的攻击已经成为网络安全攻防新焦点。而在对Web应用系统的所有攻击中,SQL注入成为Web应用系统的严重安全隐患。通过该类型攻击,攻击者可以非法获得对Web应用程序数据库的无限制的访问权限,进一步得到企业和网络用户的机密信息,如银行账号、交易数据等等,给网络用户和企业造成了巨大的生活困扰和经济损失,这就迫切要求对SQL注入攻击实施全面防御。本文就是基于此目的,对SQL注入攻击和防范进行深入研究。 本文首先阐述本课题的研究背景、现状和主要研究内容;接着研究了SQL注入攻击的技术背景和原理;最后,在现有防范方法的基础上提出了一些防范措施。 关键词:SQL注入,网络安全,编码防范 SQL injection attacks and Preventive Measures Abstract With an increasingly extensive application of the network, people attach more and more importance to network security At the same time, changes take place in the targets and methods of network attacks. At present, attacks aimed at Web applications have become a new focus of network security attack and defense. SQL injection has become a serious security risk among all the attacks against Web application. The SQL injection attack allows an attacker to access the underlying database unrestrictedly, and furthermore, retrieves the confidential information of the corporation and the network user, such as bank account number, transaction data, etc. SQL injection can cause great distress and economic losses to enterprises and Internet users, so there is an urgent requirement for comprehensive defense to SQL injection attacks. For this reason, this paper conducts an in-depth research on SQL injection and defense. Firstly, the paper elaborates the background of this subject, status and main research contents. Secondly, it explores the technical background and theory of the SQL injection attacks. Finally, the paper puts forward a novel prevention method based on parse tree originating from the existing defense method. Key Words: SQL Injection; Network Security; Coding de


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