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CONTRACT 合同 Contract No.合同号: Date and place H 期和地点: The Buyers(买方): Address(地址): Tel(电话): Fax(传真): The End-user (最终用户) Address( 地 址): Tel(电话): Fax(传真): The Sellers(卖方): Address(地址): Tel(电话): Fax.(传真): This Con tract is made by and betwee n the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 兹经买卖双方同意,由买方购进、卖方岀售卜-列货物,并按下列条款签订本合约: DESCRIPTION OF GOODS 商品描述 商品及规格 Name of Commodity, specifications 数量 Quantit y 单价 Unit Price 总价 Total Amount 合同总价: Total Contract Value: Payment terms: All payme nt un der this con tract to be made by the Buyer be effected in 买方以下列笫—项方式支付在木合同项下的所有付款; — 一、 全额信用证: 2.1100% of the total price to be paid by an irrevocable Letter of Credit to be opened before shipment: % to be payable agai nst shippi ng docume nts stipulated in the Con tract, and Pre-acceptance Protocol co-signed by KSN and KSSP. % to be payable against the cert讦icate of receipt signed by end?user and the invoice(30% of total con tract amount) % to be paid agai nst in voice (10% of total con tract amount) and a Final Accepta nee Protocol of all the devices to be cosigned by the Seller and the End-User. ?100%发运前开出不可撤消的信用证,其屮:—%凭合同规定的装运单据和由 签署的预验收证 书议付,_% 叛 票( %的合同总金额)及卖方和最终用户签署的所有设备的最终验收证书议付。 二、 分期多样式 % of the con tract value as dow n payme nt will be paid to the Buyer within 15 worki ng days after the signature of the contract by the End User. Then the Buyer should pay the % down payment to the Seller by T/T within 15 working days after receipt of the following documents: 最终用户在合同签暑后15个工作LI内将合同金额_%的货款支付给买方;然后,买方在收到卖方的下 列单据15个工作口内将这_%预付款以电汇方式支付给卖方: One Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee issued by the sellers bank as down payment guarantee for a sum of 10% of the total con tract amount, in favor of Shanghai Automobile Imp. Exp ? Co., Ltd ? valid until one month after the delivery date. 卖方银行出具的以买方为受益人,合同金额的_%的不可撤消预付款保函(保函侑效期至发货后一个 月) Signed Commercial Invoice



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