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论文题目:论当代酒店设计 --人性化的设计理念在酒店设计中的应用 专业班级: 学号: 学 生: 签名: 指导老师: 签名: 摘 要 “酒店设计”是一门学问,学问就是科学,科学必有规律,而这规律,又恰恰是人长期积累经验总结教训的结晶。创新设计也是在传统与新潮,科学与风俗,建筑与文化之间不断寻找交汇点。空间与空间,隔与断,不同材质互相渗透,都演绎着传统与现代韵味;表现手法也不是照搬传统的视觉符号,而是有意识地挑选,用不同的手法和材料创造出别具一格的主题。 设计中带有浓重文化味道,同时很多处理手法又都注入了现代的理念。设计酒店如同设计一件非常复杂的生命制品;也像安装一部机器,一部极其精密的机器。 【 关键词 】人性化,自动化,理性化 【论文类型】工程设计 1 Title:Ideas on the Design of Modern Hotel─ The Application of Humanistic Belief in Hotel Design Major: Name: Signature: Supervrsor: Signature: ABSTRACT Hotel is a kind of knowledge which is science as well,so there must be rules in it .The rules are fruits of people’s long-term accumulation of experience.Tradition and modern, sciece and cuton, structure and culture all of these are the major points of Duilder thinking.In Duilder thinking different sociall status can be reflected themselves via dinning activity. This kind of activity even becomes anecessary element for daily life. Space ,plan and line go well with relative material and decoration create a harmonization of tradition-meets-mdern. The presentation techniques are never confined to the traditional vision symbo, but conscious select, applying various touches and elements to carry out a unique theme. The designers adopted a strong traditional cultural style with some contemporary design concept the unique application of decors and colour emphasizes the blend of different cultural roots. To design a hotel is like desingning an extreme complex living product,also like installing a machine,a rather precise machine. 2 【Keywords】Humanization;Automize; Reason; Individualization 【Type of Thesis】Engineering Design 1 绪论 1.1 酒店设计现状 “酒店设计”听起来似是而非,未知归属。是酒店业的事,还是设计界的事?其实是旅游建设的大事,是国家经济发展中的大事。这样说的确不是没有根据。多少年来,我们眼睁睁看见不少酒店建设和改造工程在非专业化的煞有介事的运作中犯下梦魇般的错误,给国家、企业和投资人造成无可挽回的损失。然而,即使有那么多前车之鉴,如今仍有不少前赴后继、重蹈quot;失误quot;的勇士。为什么会这样?因为很多业主信息不太灵通,他们只了解身边的一些quot;样板quot;,最多只到广东、上海、北京、海南考察一下


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