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英语国家概况 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 英国的历史分四部分: 1.The Origins of a Nation 2.The Shaping of the Nation 3.Transition to the Mordern Age 4.The Rise and Fall of the British Empire 1 取关键词Origins的字头O 2 取关键词Shaping的字头S 3 取关键词Mordern的字头M 4 取关键词Empire的字头E 连起来就是OSME=O+S+ME=O(哦),S(是)ME(我)! 接着每个部分的标题串在一起,用一句话来记忆.要好好记住每句话里所包括的每个字母代表的是什么标题.可以看几遍这个情景对话,熟悉了之后可以不费吹灰之力就能记住整个英国历史的线索.有了这条线,你再把主要的记忆点,象珠子一样地穿起来,这样回忆就非常容易了.可谓既见树木,又见森林.一切尽在掌握. History of UK (---O.S.M.E---) 哦(O),是(S)我(ME) O: Early settlers - Roman Britain - Anglo-Saxons - the Viking and Danish Invations - the Norman Conquest O(哦):eravidan=era(时代)+vida(维达,女名)+n(诺曼征服) 句子:(老公看着一本英语国家概况在那里自言自语)哦,原来英国的新时代是伟大的维达小姐实现诺曼征服之后开始的。 S: Norman Rule - the Great Charter - the Hundred Years War with France - the Blackdeath and the peasant uprising S(是):ng(拼音:ng=嗯)+hb(hubby丈夫,的缩写)[N+G+H+B] 句子:(老婆在看电视,漫不经心地说)是的,嗯, 老公。 M: the English Reformation - Elizabeth I - the English Renaissance - James I - Charles I - the Civil War - the commonwealth - the Glorius Revolution M(我): reelrejam cha cw cw revolution = re+el+re+jam+cha+cw+cw+revolution reel(卷轴)re(又)jam(果酱) cha(茶)cw+cw (与wc厕所相反)revolution(革命,旋转) 句子:(老公一边看书一边倒着果酱,突然果酱洒了)不好了,我(ME的第一个字母M)的卷轴又洒满果酱了,赶快拿点茶去WC洗洗,啊?怎么两个WC都写反了(CW+CW),快旋转回来! E(我): Two parties (Whigs and Tories) - Agricultural changes - the Industrial Revolution - the Chartist Movement - Trade unions and the Labour Party - Colonial Expansion - in the two World Wars E:TAICHA TCW=T+A+I+CHA+T+C+W 句子:(老婆赶紧跑过来说)我(ME的第二个字母E)的天啊,这什么厕所呀,简直太(TAI)差(CHA)了嘛,我踢(T)这个该死的CW! Chapter 1 Land and People 第一部分:Different Names for Britain and its Parts 1. 选择题/ 简答题: The official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2.选择题/ 简答题: The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones. 不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。 There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain:England, Sco



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