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d How rHE MrND woRKS
Each number representsthe brightnessof one of the millions of tiny
patches making up the visual field. The smaller numbers come from
darker patches,the larger numbers from brighter patches.The numbers
shown in the array arethe actual signalscoming from an electronic cam-
era trained on a personshand, though they could just as well be the fir-
ing ratesof some of the nerve fibers coming from the eye to the brain as
a person looksat a hand. For a robot brain--or a human brain-to recog-
nize objectsand not bump into them, it must crunch these numbers and
guesswhat kinds of objects in the world reflected the light that gaverise
to them. The problem is humblingly difficult.
First, a visual systemmust locatewhere an object ends and the back-
drop begins. But the world is not a coloring book, with black outlines
around solid regions.The world as it is projected into our eyesis a mosaic
of tiny shadedpatches.Perhaps,
one could guess,the visual brain looksfor
regionswhere a quilt of large numbers (a brighter region) aburs a quilt of
small numbers (a darker region). You can discem such a boundary in the
squareof numbers; it runs diagonallyfrom the top right to the bottom cen-
ter. Most of the time, unfortunately, you would not havefound the edge of
an object, where it givesway to empty space.The juxtaposition of largeand
small numberscould havecome from many distinct arrangements
of mat-
ter. This drawing, devisedby the psychologisrs
PawanSinha and Edward
Adelson, appearsto show a ring of light gray and dark gay tiles.
SnndadEqutpnent I t
In fact, it is a rectangularcutout in a black cover through which you