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Σ(各产品完成数×各产品标准工时) 期间内投入总工时 = 生产效率 一般我们计算生产线绩效的公式是这样: 附:问题解决的技巧: 1.运用脑力激荡/脑力风暴(Brain Storming)找出原因与对策(借众人之智) 2.通过鱼骨图进行画鱼与吃鱼(石川馨图/特性要因图)(向左对策型,向右原因型) 3.采用PDCA进行项目管理,依项目进度表进行进度管控(甘特图Gantt Chart--实线为预定进度&虚线为实际进/空心为预定进度&实心为实际进度) 4.借用柏拉图确认首项及改善后成果对比(QC手法的运用) 5.将改善的对策予以标准化、系统化(使问题不重复发生) 6.基于人会犯错的原则设计流程时,尽量采用防呆法/愚巧法(Fool Proof ) 工欲善其事 必先利其器 附:问题解决的步骤: 1.明确目的 7.结果确认 2.现况数据收集 3.数据分析 4.寻找原因及对策 5.拟定试作计划 6.对策实施 持续改善 Plan 计划 P Do 执行 D Check 考核 C Action 改善行动 A Share 分享 S 想一想,一定还有更好的方法! 找方法的人会成功,找借口的人会失敗! 可旋轉 180度 案例:丰田换模方法 纸箱 弹簧 案例:人因工程 想想:怎样让栈板上的纸箱永远处于人最好拿的高度? 我们说每个人有高有矮,怎样让每个人操作時坐的最舒适呢? 凳子可调高度 插销 办公室的靠背 凳减少疲劳度 案例:人因工程 Talk about how much inventory Kodak has and what else we could do with the money Time, equipment resources of the company Invest in new ideas and new technologies. Example of a persons spine needing to stay vertical Looking for a file or paper for the copier Waiting for computers; waiting in line at DMV; waiting for a report or number from accounting Waiting for parts (work to transform) This is a good time to revisit the concept that to ask a person who has the job of transformation to wait for parts is to treat them with disrespect. Again using company resources people and inventory that will then sit idle; also quality impact if parts are later found to be bad King waste - contributes to so many other problems in manufacturing. Mark more than we need - this is turn causes us to consume resources the company could have used to do other things, we’ve consume machine time and operator time that maybe could have been making something customers really do need. Waste contributes to: People to manage the inventory; place to put the inventory; backorders; need to store the inventory. Examples from Kodak Bad product you spend time, people’s time, machine time, inventory raw materials. Shingo was a student of Taiichi Ohno and has written many books on TPS. When talking of waste Shingo once said “we must keep in mind that the gr


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