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生、熟大黄及其在下瘀血汤中对热结血瘀模型大鼠血液流变学的影响 * 赵 玲,胡昌江 ,耿媛媛,潘 新,胡 麟,熊 瑞,陈志敏 成都中医药大学,四川 成都 611137 摘 要:目的 比较生、熟大黄及其入下瘀血汤对热结血瘀模型大鼠的血液流变学的影响,以阐释生大黄泻热通便、熟大黄 活血化瘀的炮制作用。方法 采用ig 热性中药结合sc 盐酸肾上腺素的方法,复制大鼠热结血瘀模型,再ig 不同剂量的生、 熟大黄以及生、熟大黄组成下瘀血汤,观察对模型大鼠血液流变学的影响。结果 熟大黄各剂量组与等剂量的生大黄相比, 其血液流变学的各项指标检测值均有所改变,其中熟大黄高剂量组全血黏度、红细胞刚性指数与变形指数 (TK )与生大黄 相比,差异具有显著性 (P <0.01 );熟大黄复方组与等剂量生大黄复方组比较,其血液流变学的各项指标也有明显改变。结 论 熟大黄的活血化瘀作用强于生大黄,大黄炮制后可增强其活血化瘀作用。 关键词:生大黄;熟大黄;下瘀血汤;热结血瘀;血液流变学 中图分类号:R 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674 - 6376 (20 14) 02 - 0 - 0 DOI: 10.7501/j.issn.1674-6376.2014.02. Influence of raw and stewed rhubarb and Xiayuxue Decoction on hemorheological parameters in rats with heat accumulation of blood stasis ZHAO Ling, HU Chang-jiang , GENG Yuan-yuan, PAN Xin, HU Lin, XIONG Rui, CHEN Zhi-min Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 611137, China Abstract: Objective To clarify the effects of raw and stewed rhubarb and Xiayuxue Decoction on hemorheological parameters in rats with heat accumulation of blood stasis by comparing the influence of them on purgative and promoting blood circulation. Methods The rat model with heat accumulation of blood stasis was established by ig administration with heat Chinese medicine and sc injection with adrenaline hydrochloride. At the same time, raw and stewed rhubarb and Xiayuxue Decoction at different doses were given. Then the hemorheological parameters of the rats were observed and compared. Results Compared with the same dose of raw rhubarb, the stewed rhubarb changed each hemorheological parameter and there were extremely significant differences in whole blood viscosity, erythrocyte rigidity index, and erythrocyte deformation index (TK )between raw and stewed rhubarb at high dose (P 0.01). There were differences in hemorheological parameters of complex prescription with raw and stewed rhubarb at the same dose. Conclusion The efficiency of stewed rhuba


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