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Prestress Technology and Building Structure 中国建筑科学研究院上海分院 建研科技股份有限公司上海分公司 上海建科结构新技术工程有限公司 Shanghai Branch, China Academy of Building Research 在我国推广预应力技术已有半个多世纪,在建筑工程领域中, 当时由于受到高强钢材的限制,以中小型预制构件为主。主要是 结构工程师的事,一般不涉及建筑师。 The application of prestress technology on building structure has been more than half a century. The development of prestress technology is mainly concerned by structure engineers, not architects. But…… 自从发展以高强钢丝与钢绞线为主筋的高效预应力混凝土 以来,情况变了,梁和板的经济跨度比钢筋混凝土传统结构 要扩大50~100%。 But the situation changed as the progress of high strength steel cable and their application in high-efficient prestressed concrete structure. Now, the economic span of reinforced concrete structure can been widened 50~100% using prestress technology. 过去建筑师就怕结构工程师加柱加梁,改变建筑平面,采 用预应力混凝土结构就不必担心了。 此技术为发展重载,大跨度,大开间结构体系创造了条 件。因此采用高效预应力混凝土,从设计一开始就要求结构 工程师与建筑师配合选用预应力的建筑方案。 In the past, architects worried that structure engineers alway ask them to add more columns beams, this would greatly influence their plane configuration. Now, this problem can be solved. Prestress technology can provide a large span, large space building structure freely for architects. 作为一种结构材料,和砖石、木、钢、钢筋混凝土等传统材 料一样,高效预应力混凝土亦有它本身独特的建筑形式,结构形 式,结构布局,经济跨度,构件截面形状以及合理的应用范围。 只有掌握,这些特点与规律性,才有可能充分发挥它的优越性, 设计出实用,安全,经济,美观的预应力房屋。 Of course, prestressed concrete structure doesn’t mean you can expand the span or space in buildings unlimited. Only if you’ve mastered some characteristics and disciplines of this technology, you can get a safe, economic and beautiful prestress concrete building. 和过去采用低强钢材的预应力混凝土相比,高效预应力 混凝土对房屋建筑的影响主要表现在: Compared with the prestressed concrete using low strength steel in the past, now, the high-efficient prestressed concrete mainly influence: 1、构件截面形状与预应力筋形状 The shape of construction members and the figure of prestressed st


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