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第 PAGE3 页 共 NUMPAGES17页 分类号:××× U D C:D10621-×××-(2007)××××-0 密 级:公开 编 号:2011201141 成都信息工程学院 学位论文 旅游业对四川省社会经济贡献的统计分析 论文作者姓名: 严龙 申请学位专业: 统计学 申请学位类别: 经济学学士 指导教师姓名(职称): 申广斯(讲师) 论文提交日期: 2015年05月23日 旅游业对四川省社会经济贡献的统计分析 摘 要 近年来,四川省把旅游业作为支柱产业,把加快旅游产业发展作为扩大内需、调整产业结构的重要措施,走出了一条“政府主导,企业主体,市场运作,”的发展之路,旅游产业呈现出良好的快速发展势头,旅游总收入多年高于全国平均增幅。四川旅游业对国民经济发展的促进作用是非常明显的,强劲的发展势头和广阔的前景也进一步强化了旅游支柱产业的战略地位。确定旅游产业实际经济贡献,是为四川省制定游产业政策的基础。本文,按照其他学者对旅游业经济效应的划分标准,对其进行分类。并通过四川省旅游业发展现状对旅游业对四川省国民经济的贡献,对财政收入的贡献,对创汇收入的贡献,对第三产业的贡献,对促进就业的贡献等方面作出分析,得出了四川省应当将旅游业作为支柱性产业来发展,政府部门应当从资金、政策、人力等各方面给予支持,使旅游业成为四川省经济新的增长点及战略支柱产业。同时,应充分发挥旅游业的带动作用,发展交通运输业、餐饮、娱乐、商业等服务来促进旅游地区商业的发展,并吸纳大量的剩余劳动力,推动当地农村地区的发展,缩小城乡之间的经济差距,为构建和谐社会做出应有的贡献。 关键词:旅游总收入;经济增长;回归分析 Sichuan statistical analysis of the social and economic contribution of tourism Abstract In recent years, sichuan province to seize the opportunity of implementing the western development, the tourism as the province to cultivate pillar industries, to speed up the development of tourism as an important measure to expand domestic demand, adjust the industrial structure, walked out of a government leading, enterprise main body, market operation of development, tourism industry showed vigorous development momentum, tourism revenue growth rate is higher than the national average for successive years. Role in promoting the development of national economy of the tourism industry in sichuan is very obvious, the strong development momentum and broad prospects also further strengthened the position of tourism strategic pillar industry. Determine the actual economic contribution of tourism industry, is the basis of the implementation of the tourism industry development policy in sichuan province. In this paper, on the basis of existing research, by collecting relevant data, using econometric tools of sichuan tourism revenue contribution to the GDP of regression analysis, and on this basis, put forward the corresponding countermeasure


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