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20 18 年9 月 农 业 机 械 学 报 第49 卷 第9 期 doi:10.6041/ j.issn.1000鄄1298.2018.09.008 复合切削式烟草中耕培土机设计与试验 张秀丽摇 仝振伟摇 李连豪摇 李拥军摇 侯朝朋摇 夏云飞 (河南农业大学机电工程学院,郑州450002) 摘要:为提高烟草大田中耕培土作业质量和效率,设计了复合切削式烟草中耕培土机。 对样机关键部件进行了分 析与设计,阐明了复合切削原理,确定了液压传动系统、垄距调节装置、垄形坡度调节装置、垄底宽调节装置结构及 工作参数,同时分析了复合切削式培土总成进行培土作业的工作过程,得到满足培土作业的螺旋培土刀的最低转 速和几何参数等。 田间试验结果表明,当作业速度为2郾5 ~3郾2km/ h 时,碎土率为90%,培土厚度合格率为95%, 培土垄形坡度合格率为93%,培土高度为400mm,沟面宽度为750mm,满足设计和实际作业要求。 关键词:烟草;中耕培土机;复合切削 中图分类号:S224郾1;S365 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000鄄1298(2018)09鄄0073鄄09 Design and Experiment of Tobacco Hilling Machine for Compound Cutting ZHANG Xiuli摇 TONGZhenwei摇 LI Lianhao摇 LI Yongjun摇 HOU Chaopeng摇 XIA Yunfei (College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,HenanAgricultural University,Zhengzhou450002,China) Abstract: Cultivation can remove weeds between the ridges, improve the nutritional conditions of tobacco,and increase the ability of lodging resistance andyield of tobacco during the growth infield. In order to improve the quality and efficiency of field management and cultivation and hilling during tobacco爷s middle tillage,a tobacco hilling machine for compound cutting was designed. Based on the prototype,key partswere analyzed and designed,and the principle of compound cutting was clarified. The structure and operation parameters of adjustment device of ridge distance,ridge shape angle,ridge bottom width and hydraulic transmission system were determined. The oblique cutting of the plough and the milling of the spiral earth cutter were analyzed,and the positive milling and reverse milling of the spiral earth cutter were tested. The results showed that the working effect of the spiral earth cutter was better in the reverse milling. At the same time, the operation process of


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