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应对气候变化与大气污染治理协同控制 政策研究 —聚焦短寿命气候污染物和非道路移动源 Coordinated Actions for Addressing Climate Change and Air Pollution —With a Focus on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants and Non-Road Mobile Sources 郝吉明 Jiming Hao, 清华大学 Tsinghua University Lars-Erik Liljelund, 斯德哥尔摩环境研究所 Stockholm Environment Institute Michael P. Walsh, 国际清洁交通委员会 International Council on Clean Transportation 2015年11月9-11日, 北京 Nov 9-11, 2015, Beijing;汇报内容 Outline ;项目背景 The rationale: Why this Special Policy Study?;1、中国面临协同治理空气污染和应对气候变化的机遇和挑战;1) 3月项目启动会暨第一次工作会议 March, the kick-off/first working meeting in Beijing 2) 6月项目第二次工作会议 June, the second working meeting in Shanghai 3) 9月项目第三次工作会议 September, the third working meeting in Beijing 4) 期间多次内部技术专家讨论会 Several internal project meetings in Beijing ;汇报内容 Outline ;国际上的代表性研究是UNEP/WMO2011年的研究报告,识别了SLCPs对气候变化、大气质量、人体健康、农作物产量、生态环境等方面的影响,并梳理了16项经济有效的减排措施 Internationally, the most influential report is led by UNEP and WMO (2011), in which scientists identified the impacts of SLCPs on climate change , air quality, human health, crop production, ecosystems, and concluded with 16 cost effective mitigation measures. 中国国内研究目前尚未将短寿命气候污染物作为一大类污染物进行整体研究,关于排放、源解析、影响、减排技术、管理规范等相关研究已经有些进展,但SLCPs减排相关的社会经济分析还比较少 In China, holistic research on SLCPs has not taken place. Considering air pollutants, research has progressed with regard to emissions, source apportionment, impact, abatement technologies and management practices. Further research findings about emissions and source apportionment will be needed to support some of the decisions on integrated control and focus action in the most cost-effective manner.;近些年,国际上涌现了很多行动倡议旨在减少SLCPs,其中,2012年2月成立的气候与清洁空气联盟(CCAC)是全球第一个专门针对减排SLCPs的行动倡议。此外,美国、欧盟等国也纷纷开展了减排SLCPs的行动 In recent years, new international initiatives to promote taking action to reduce emissions of SLCPs have emerged. In February 2012, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants (CCAC) was launched as a first global effort to addr


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