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Unit 5;Why do you ;Section A 1 1a-2d; 1. How many kinds of animals are there in the zoo? There are 7 kinds of animals in the zoo. 2. Which animals have the “moo” sound? Elephants have the “moo” sound. ;Match the words with the animals in the picture.;tiger ___ elephant ___ koala ___ panda ____ lion ____ giraffe _____; 1. Pandas are my favorite animals because they’re _______. 2. Giraffes are _________. 3. Koalas are ___________. ;It’s a panda.;It’s an elephant.;It’s a lion.;It’s a tiger.;It’s a koala. ;1c;Why do you want to see them?;Why do you want to see them?;Why do you want to see them?;Why do you want to see them?;2a;Animals ;Julie: Let’s see the _______. John: Why do you like them? Julie: Because they’re _______ interesting. John: Where are they from? Julie: They’re from ______. ;2c;Why do you like them?;Why don’t you like them?;Does Peter have a pet? ______________________________ 2. What can Dingding do? _______________________________ _______________________________;3. What pet does Jenny’s mom have? ________________________________ 4. Does Jenny like the cat? Why? _________________________________ _________________________________;2d;Jenny: My mom has a big cat, but I don’t like her. Peter: Why don’t you like the cat? Jenny: Well, because she’s_________ boring. She______ all day, and her name is Lazy. Peter: Haha, then that’s a good name for her!;1. Why don’t you like the cat? Why don’t you+动词原形,还是一种提 建议的句型。 意为“为什么不……呢?” e.g. _______________take a walk? 你为什么不去散步呢? ;________________drink some tea? 为什么不喝点茶呢?;1. Let’s play volleyball after school. (改 为同义句) _____ _____ you play volleyball after school? 2. Let’s join the music club. (改为同义 句) ____ ______ you join the music club?;2. He can walk on two legs. walk on… 表示“用某种方式行走”。


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