初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit7 It’s raining Section B .docx

初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit7 It’s raining Section B .docx

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初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit7 It’s raining Section B

Unit7 It’s raining Section B (3a-self check)教学设计 一、教学目标 知识目标: (1)巩固本单元所学重点词汇,其中包括weather天气类、地点名词以及一些现在分词短语。 (2)巩固句型结构:How’s the weather? It’s sunny/cloudy. What is he/she doing? He /She is reading. 能力目标:学会使用本单元词汇和句型询问天气情况和人们的即时活动,作出恰当回答,并能总结为语篇。 情感目标: (1)通过小组合作完成任务,培养学生的团队合作意识。 (2)通过谈论天气,了解一些地理常识。 二、教学重难点 (1)教学重点:描述天气的词汇如sunny、windy、cloudy、raining、snowing等。以及句型结构:How’s the weather? What is sb. doing? (2)教学难点:名词转换为形容词的构词法。以及写作训练。 三、教学方法 本课时,我主要采用情景教学法、任务型教学法和多媒体辅助法。 四、教学过程 Step1 .Greeting. Have a short free-talk with students. Ask them some questions about weather. Step2. Revision. (1)T:We have learnt many word in this unit .Now let’s review the words from three aspects: feelings、weather and activities. Please try to add more words. (2)Can you use the words? Let’s finish these questions. (3)Besides that, we also learnt some word about places. Now let’s look at some pictures. (4)Students look and say ,by doing that, they can know more about geography. (5)Next, let’s review the sentences. The first sentence is “How’s the weather?” Let’s look at some pictures and answer the questions. (6)Review the sentence and words about weather in Chinese ancient poems. (7)We play a guessing game to review the sentence “What are they doing?” Step3. Pairwork. We have also learnt a sentence about greeting. Let ss make a dialogue about: (1)How’s it going? (2)How’s the weather? (3)What is sb. doing? Then ss show to the class. Step4. Writing. T: Do you want to take a vacation? Kate is on a vacation in Harbin and she writes a postcard to her friend Xiao Lu. Now you read it and help her finish the postcard. Then ss read the passage and imagine that you are on a vacation and write a postcard like this. You can write these notes.(on p42 3b) Ss write by themselves and show. Step5. Summary. Step6.Blackboard design hot warm sunny raining sitting How’s it going? How’s the weather? What is sb. doing?



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