初中英语人教版七年级下册Uuit 12 Section B (1a---1e).doc

初中英语人教版七年级下册Uuit 12 Section B (1a---1e).doc

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初中英语人教版七年级下册Uuit 12 Section B (1a---1e)

Unit 12 Section B(1a-1e)教案 教学目标 1. 学生通过la和1b进一步巩固动词的过去时态,并掌握不规则动词的过去式的构成。 2. 学生通过有目的地听力训练,在听的过程中获取有效信息,完成相应的听力任务。 3. 能运用所学信息材料,编写一段对话,并展示。 教学重难点 ●重点:进一步巩固学习动词的过去式,如: sing- sang, fly-flew, have-had, swim-swam等 。 能用自然的语音语调和丰富的语言询问彼此周末的活动。 ●难点:听力材料中信息量大,学生能理解听力信息, 【课前准备】课本、录音机、多媒体课件。 【教学方法】头脑风暴、听力活动、情景交际Pair work问答式、小组活动。 【教学进程】Teaching procedures 【新课导入】 Step l: Lead-in 1. Let’s review the word. Show some pictures about the words. Read them together. 【新知呈现】 Step 2: Presentation 1. Show the six pictures in la. The teacher asks some questions about each picture. And the teacher explains flew is the past tense of fly. Sang is the past tense of sing. Swam is the past tense of swim. Had is the past tense of have. Studied is the past tense of study. According to the pictures , the teacher asks some questions and the students answer them. 2. Read the phrases loudly. 3.Play a game about guessing the phrases and help students grasp them. The pictures are covered The students don’t see the phrases. I know their answers are wrong at the first time . I must let them guess again . They can say more phrases. The students may get more practice. Step 3 practice 1. Match the activities with the pictures. The teacher help the students check their answers. 2. Listen and check the answers. I think the students only need to listen to the tape once. Because the students are familiar with the phrases in the listening. Sally Jim did her homework (设计意图:本部分听力练习旨在锻炼学生提取细节信息的能力,并且考查学生对新短语的书写。完成听力任务时,教师在前期教学,对那些短语反复操练,不同形式的训练是非常有必要的。若所填信息过多,让学生轻松、自信、顺利地完成听力任务。) 3. Pair work. Make a conversation with your partner according to the listening material. A: How was Sally’s last weekend? B:It wasn’t too bad. A:What did she do on Saturday? B:She did her homework . …… 4. Students show their conversion in class. 设计意图:此步骤是让学生将表格里的信息再口头转出来,即将录音中的第一人称转换为第三人称,从而巩固第三人称单数的一般疑问句及简略回答。让学生熟悉听力材料,运用听力材料,调动学生的学习积极性,加深对新知识的印象。 Step 4:Make a survey. Discuss what your partner did last weekend and make a conversion.


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