(外文电子版资料)Fred Saberhagen - The Water of Thought.doc

(外文电子版资料)Fred Saberhagen - The Water of Thought.doc

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THE WATER OF THOUGHT By Fred Saberhagen ? ? ? The Water of Thought FRED SABERHAGEN ? A TOM DOHERTY ASSOCIATES BOOK TOR science fiction PINNACLE BOOKS NEW YORK This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. ? WATER OF THOUGHT ? Copyright ? 1981 by Fred Saberhagen ? A Tor Book ? A shorter version of this work was published ? 1965. ? First printing: May 1981 Second printing: July 1981 ? ISBN: 0-523-41482-X ? Printed in the United States of America Distributed by Pinnacle Books, Inc., New York. Cover and interior illustrations by Janet Aulisio ? I. In the dream a faceless figure came pacing after Boris. Clad in a groundsuit, it groped toward him with hands whose fingers writhed like snakes, menacing and venomous. No, Boris told the figure, its not me you want. Those are your hands, not mine. And then he realized that he was waking up. He lay in the bottom of a little two-passenger sportboat with a float-cushion tucked under his head. The boat was pulled into the shore of a tiny river island, and the light of an alien though very Sol-like sun came dappling down on him through alien trees, making leaf-shadows of shapes that to Earth-descended eyes were subtly wrong. The sun reflected from the quiet water to shimmer upward on Brendas laughing face and her dark brown hair as she bent over him. Boris was blond and bony and tall, with innocent blue eyes in a rough face; it crossed his mind now that Brenda was his opposite in just about every physical detail. He had met her ten days ago, when he had arrived on the planet, and though he hadnt been alone with her for any length of time until today, he had been looking forward to the chance. ? ? Her manner now was one of playful reproach and overlain with just a little concern. I dont mind your dozing off, she told him. But must you have nightmares? I guess I must. Was I making noises? He stretc



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