(外文电子版资料)John le Carré - The Tailor of Panama.pdf

(外文电子版资料)John le Carré - The Tailor of Panama.pdf

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The Tailor of Panama - John le Carr茅 The Tailor of Panama. John le Carr茅 Published 1996. Quel Panam谩! Expression current in France in the early years of this century. Describes an insolube mess. (See David McCulloughs admirable The Path Between the Seas) CHAPTER ONE file:///D|/EBooks/Le%20Carre/(ebook)%20Le%2...%20-%20The%20Tailor%20of%20Panama%20v1.html (1 of 1314) [16.02.2003 19:12:24] The Tailor of Panama - John le Carr茅 It was a perfectly ordinary Friday afternoon in tropical Panama until Andrew Osnard barged into Harry Pendels shop, asking to be measured for a suit. When he barged in, Pendel was one person. By the time he barged out again Pendel was another. Total time elapsed: seventy-seven cased clock by Samuel Collier of Eccles, one of the many historic features of the house of Pendel Braithwaite Co., Limitada, Tailors to Royalty, formerly of Savile Row, London and presently of the V铆a Espa帽a, Panama City. Or just off it. As near to the Espa帽a as made no difference. And file:///D|/EBooks/Le%20Carre/(ebook)%20Le%2...%20-%20The%20Tailor%20of%20Panama%20v1.html (2 of 1314) [16.02.2003 19:12:24] The Tailor of Panama - John le Carr茅 PB for short. The day began prompt at six when Pendel woke with a jolt to the din of bandsaws and building work and traffic in the valley and the sturdy male voice of Armed Forces Radio. I wasnt there, it was two other blokes, she hit me first and it was with her consent, Your Honour, he informed the morning, because he had a sense of impending punishment but couldnt place it. Then he remembered his eight- thirty appointment with his bank manager and sprang out of bed at the same moment that his wife file:///D|/EBooks/Le%20Carre/(ebook)%20Le%2...%20-%20The%20Tailor%20of%20Panama%20v1.html (3 of 1314) [16.02.2003 19:12:24] The Tailor of Panama - John le Carr茅 Louisa howled No, no, no, and pulled the sheet over her head because m


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