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By Orson Scott Card
Some people called it the time of undoing; some, wishing to be more positive, spoke of it as the
replanting or the restoring or even the resurrection of the Earth. All these names were
accurate. Something had been done, and now it was being undone. Much had died or been broken
or killed, and now it was coming back to life.
This was the work of the world in those days: Nutrients were put back in the soil of the great rain
forests of the world, so the trees could grow tall again. Grazing was banished from the edges of the
great deserts of Africa and Asia, and grass was planted so that steppe and then savanna could
slowly reconquer territory they had lost to the stone and sand. Though the weather stations high in
orbit could not change the climate, they tweaked the winds often enough that no spot on Earth
would suffer drought or flood, or lack for sunlight. In great preserves the surviving animals learned
how to live again in the wild. All the nations of the world had an equal claim on food, and no one
feared hunger anymore. Good teachers came to every child, and every man and woman had a
decent chance to become whatever his or her talents and passions and desires led them to become.
It should have been a happy time, with humanity pressing forward into a future in which the world
would be healed, in which a comfortable life could be lived without the shame of knowing that it
came at someone elses expense. And for many -- perhaps most -- it was. But many others could not
turn their faces from the shadows of the past. Too many creatures were missing, never to be
restored. Too many people, too many nations now lay buried in the soil of the past. Once the world
had teemed with seven billion human lives. Now a tenth that number tended the gardens of Earth.
The survivors could not easily forget the century of war and plague, of drought and flood and
famine, of despera
- (外文电子版资料)Orson Scott Card - Alvin SS - Grinning Man.pdf
- (外文电子版资料)Orson Scott Card - America.pdf
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- (外文电子版资料)Orson Scott Card - Feed The Baby Of Love.pdf
- (外文电子版资料)Orson Scott Card - Freeway Games.pdf
- (外文电子版资料)Orson Scott Card - Heal Thyself.pdf
- (外文电子版资料)Orson Scott Card - Missed.pdf
- (外文电子版资料)Orson Scott Card - St Amy's Tale.pdf
- (外文电子版资料)Orson Scott Card - Unaccompanied Sonata.pdf
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