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第31卷第11期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol31, No. 11
2010 年 11 月 Journal of Northeastern U niversity( Natural cience) Nov . 2 0 1 0
高立群, 吴沛锋, 邹德旋
( , 110004)
: , ,
( MP O) ,
, 4 1 1 ,
M P O ,
: ; ; ;
: TP 301. 6 : A : 1005-3026(2010) 11- 1530-04
Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Mutation Strategy
GA O L i-qun , W U Pei-f eng, ZO U De-x uan
( chool of Information cience Engineering, Northeastern University, henyang 110004, China.
Correspondent: WU Pe-i feng, E-mail: wuzheng820807 @ yahoo. cn)
Abstract : After studying the features of P O ( particle sw arm optimization) , the mutation factor
w as integrated into the algorithm to form its new version, i. e. , the mutational particle sw arm
optimization ( MP O) in w hich a mutation strategy was incorporated. With the mutation factor
the algorithm can improve the developability of solution space so as to decrease the possibility that
the P O falls into local optima. The tested results of four w ell-know n unconstrained benchmark
optimization problems, a constrained problem and an actual application problem revealed that
MP O can successfully tackle both the high-dimensional unconstrained problems and the high-
dimensional problems w ith linear constraints. Moreover, MP O as a promising optimization
algorithm has strong convergence and high stability.
Key words: P O; high-dimensional problem; mutation factor; premature
[ 1]
Kennedy 1995