(外文电子版资料)ODonnell, Peter - Modesty Blaise 12 - Cobra Trap 1.0.doc

(外文电子版资料)ODonnell, Peter - Modesty Blaise 12 - Cobra Trap 1.0.doc

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Peter ODonnell Cobra Trap scanned by Ginevra corrected by Anybody ISBN 0 285 63332 5 Copyright ? 1996 by Peter ODonnell Souvenir Press Ltd., 43 Great Russell Street, Typeset by Rowland Phototypesetting Ltd Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk Printed in Great Britain by Biddies Ltd., Guildford and Kings Lynn This E-Book ist not for sell!!! CONTENTS TOC \o 1-2 \h \z HYPERLINK \l _ToBellmann PAGEREF _To\h 3 HYPERLINK \l _ToThe Dark Angels PAGEREF _To\h 66 HYPERLINK \l _ToOld Alex PAGEREF _To\h 119 HYPERLINK \l _ToThe Girl With The Black Balloon PAGEREF _To\h 185 HYPERLINK \l _ToCobra Trap PAGEREF _To\h 212 - PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 280- BELLMANN It was a warm day in Tangier, but Willie Garvin was very comfortable in the discreet grey summerweight suit he wore as he crossed the reception hall of the Hotel Malaurak to the lift marked Private-Staff Only, This gave access to offices on the top floor of the hotel, which was owned by The Network. Willie pressed the callbutton and maintained the air of a serious young executive until he was in the lift with the doors closed. Then he allowed himself a grin. Being a criminal organisation The Network did not advertise its name or activities, but these were well known to the Tangier police, and Inspector Hassan was more than content with the situation. So he ought to be, Willie reflected. Since the war of the four gangs which had followed the creation of The Network by Modesty Blaise three years ago, Tangier had become noticeably more lawabiding. When the lift stopped on the fifth floor Willie got out and walked along the corridor to Garcias office, thinking about Modesty Blaise. As always when he thought about her, which was often, he felt a touch of awe. At no more than seventeen she had taken over the smalltime Louche group, saved it from destruction by more powerful gangs, and begun the setting up of an organisation that now o



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