初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit10. I’d like some noodles..doc

初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit10. I’d like some noodles..doc

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初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit10. I’d like some noodles.

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles 一.? HYPERLINK /Health/ \t _blank 教学内容: Unit 10 I’d like some noodles ? 二. 语言功能: Order food?? 订餐? ? 三. 目标语言: 1. What kind of noodles would you like? I’d like beef noodles.? 2. What size bowl of noodles would he like? ? He’d like a small/ medium/ large bowl of noodles.? ? 四. 重点单词和词组: ? 1. fish? n. 鱼 ? 表示条数或数量时,单复数同形。 There are three fish in the bowl. 鱼缸里有三条鱼。 表示不同种类的鱼时,加es? There are three fishes in the bowl. 鱼缸里有三种鱼 表示鱼肉时,是不可数名词 I like fish. 我喜欢鱼肉。 v 钓鱼 Would you like go fishing with me? 你想和我去钓鱼吗? 练一练:(1)池塘里有许多种鱼。There are many ______ in the pool.? (2)池塘里有许多鱼。 There are many ______ in the pool.? (3)我喜欢吃鱼肉。? I like eating _____.? 2. iced water 冰水 3. drink? n 饮料?? have a drink?? 喝,饮? He doesn’t smoke or drink. 他不抽烟也不喝酒。 4. large? adj. 大的,宽大的,侧重面积体积之大 large=big → small China is a large country.? 中国是个大国。(强调面积) big 侧重体积之大 还表示人的高大和长大?? → little China is a big country. 中国是个大国。(强调实力) great 伟大的 可指抽象的程度。 China is a great country. 中国是个大国。(抽象意义上的伟大) 5. potato? 土豆?? (复)potatoes 6. order? n 订单? May I take your order now? 你们可以点菜了吗? v? 命令order sb. to do sth The doctor order you to be quiet. 医生嘱咐你要保持平静。 order sb. sth. = order sth. for sb.? My father order a new desk for me. 父亲为我订做了一个新写字台。 take an order 接受…… 的订购? 7. meat 食用肉类 cow牛 beef 牛肉 /? chicken 鸡chicken 鸡肉 / goat山羊sheep绵羊 mutton 羊肉 /? pig猪 pork猪肉? 8. dumpling饺子?? porridge 粥?? noodle 面条? soup汤,羹? rice? 米饭 9. as well as 还, 而且? ??? We are learning English as well as Japanese.?   我们在学英语,也在学日语。 10. a bowl of 一碗? a(large, medium, small)bowl of noodles 一碗(大、中、小)面 a bowl of rice 一碗米饭? two bowls of dumplings 两碗饺子 11. special n特价品(美式口语), 特别之物,特别节目 In our shop, hamburgers are on special today.? 今天我们商店的汉堡包特价。 We have a few specials on the menu this evening. 今晚我们有几个特色菜。 special? adj. 特殊的? 特别的 She works in a special hospital. 她在一个专科医院工作。 12. beef and carrot noodles? 胡萝卜牛肉面 the noodles with beef and carrot? ? 五. 重点句型和表达法: 1. I’d like some noodles? 我想要一些面条。 ??? would like 想要 = want?? ??? 用法:(1)would like something??


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