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English Films and Western Critical Approaches
Cai Shengqin
蔡圣勤 著
Preface 1
1. Why We Study Film in English LanguageArts? 1
2. Why We Needto See Films and Read This Book? 3
3. Languages and Cultures Reflected from Film 4
4. The Important Impact of Films on Daily Life 6
5. Differences Between a Book and a Film 6
6. Words for Instructors 7
Chapter One Popular Culture and Film History 16
1. Film and Popular Culture 16
2. History of Motion Picture 19
3. Producing a Motion Picture 25
4. Film Distribution 26
Chapter Two International Festivals and Film Studios 28
1. International Film Festivals 28
2. International Film Companies 33
3. Western Festival Markets and Western Discourse Effect 36
Chapter Three Film Criteria and Cultural Values 38
1. No Scientific Measurer 38
2. Individualism and Different Cultural Psychology 41
3. Moral Values and Cultural Psychology in China 44
4. Film Characters Forming under the Chinese Context 48
5. Edward Said and Orientalism 50
English Films and Western Critical Approaches
Chapter Four Classification and Vocabulary of Films 56
1. Classification in Britain 56
2. Classification in USA 58
3. Classification in Austra
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