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不同热处理制度下 TC4合 金 棒 材 的组 织 与 性 不同热处理制度下 TC4 合 金 棒 材 的 组 织 与 性 能 黄德明,梁盛隆,唐 静 ,杨雄飞,蒋仁贵 ( 攀钢集团研究院有限公司,钒钛资源综合利用国家重点实验室,四川 攀枝花 617000 ) 摘 要: 研究了普通退火、双重退火和固溶时效三种热处理制度下 TC4 合金棒材的组织与性能。结果表明: 随着退 火温度的提高,普通退火的棒材组织由等轴组织变为双态组织,拉伸强度随着退火温度的增加而降低,而伸长率和 断面收缩率先增加后又降低,冲击韧性持续增加。随着双重退火中的二次退火温度提高,双重退火后 TC4 合金棒 材显微组织由双态组织变为等轴组织,双态组织棒材的力学性能各项指标均好于等轴组织。随着时效温度的升 高,固溶时效的棒材的显微组织由低温时效的近似网篮组织变为双态组织和等轴组织,且棒材的力学性能随着时 效温度的升高而降低。从热处理效果看: 在 940 ℃ 固溶和 530 ℃ 时效,TC4 棒材的综合力学性能最佳。 关键词: TC4; 热处理; 显微组织; 力学性能 中图分类号: TF823,TG146. 23 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 - 7638( 2014) 05 - 0025 - 06 DOI: 10. 7513 /j. issn. 1004 - 7638. 2014. 05. 006 Microstructures and Properties of TC4 Alloy Bar with Different Heat Treatments Huang Deming,Liang Shenglong,Tang Jing,Yang Xiongfei,Jiang Rengui ( 1. Pangang Group Research Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,State Key Laboratory of Vanadium and Titanium Resources Compre- hensive Utilization,Panzhihua 617000,Sichuan,China) Abstract: Microstructure and properties of TC4 alloy bars under various treatment processes were investi- gated. Results show that with increasing of single annealing temperature,the microstructure of TC4 alloy bar changes from equiaxed to bi-modal type and the tensile strength decreases while elongation and reduc- tion of area first increase and then decrease,and the impact toughness increases continuously. With the increase of duplex annealing temperature,the microstructure of TC4 alloy bar changes from bi-modal to e- quiaxed type,of which the mechanical properties of the alloy with bi-modal microstructure are better. For the solution aging bar,the microstructure changes from basket-weave to bi-modal and equiaxed types, and the mechanical properties of the bar decrease with aging temperature increasing. The best compre- hensive mechanics performances can be achieved under the heat treatment parameters of solution at 940 ℃ and aging at 530 ℃ . Key words: TC4,heat treatment,microstructure,mechanical properties 天、造船、化 工、冶 金、医 疗 等领域得到广泛引用, 是目前国际上应用最广泛的钛合金牌号。TC4 合 金含有大约 6% 的 α


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