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Self-Introduction;Lead-in;Lesson33;1.Listen and answer;2.Listen and fill;day [de?] n.日子 cloud [kla?d] n.云 sky [ska?] n.天空 sun [s?n] n.太阳 shine [?a?n] v.照耀 with [w?e] prep.和……在一起 family [′ f?m?l?] n.家庭(成员) walk [w?:k] v.走路,步行 ;over [′ ??v?] prep.跨越,在……之上 bridge [br?d?] n.桥 boat [b??t] n.船 river [′r?v?] n.河 ship [??p] n.轮船 aeroplane [′e?r?ple?n] n.飞机 fly [fla?] v.飞 ;bridge;;day [de?] n.日子 date n.日期 day and night 日日夜夜 all day 一整天 What day is it today?—It’s Saturday. on a cold winter day.在一个寒冷的冬天 ;cloud [kla?d] n.云 cloudy adj. 多云的;sky [ska?] n.天空 cry my fly sun [s?n] n.太阳 sunny adj.阳光的 in the sun 在阳光下 Don’t read in the sun,it’s bad for your eyes. 不要在阳光下读书,很伤眼睛。 ;shine [?a?n] v.照耀,发光 sunshine n. 阳光 shining adj. 发光的 v.正在发光 There is some sunshine today. 今天有一些阳光。 Shining Smile?闪亮的微笑 ; 灿烂的微笑 ; Shining Spring?明媚的春季 ; 艳阳三月天 Shining hair 亮泽秀发 ;with [w?e] prep. 用;随着;支持;和…在一起 1.agree with?同意 ; 适合 ; 符合 ; 同意某人 2.go with?伴随 ; 附属于 ; 搭配 ; 相配 3.be with 和...在一起 1.我同意你的说法。 I agree with you. 2.这件衣服跟你的鞋子很搭。 This shirt goes with your shoes. 3.我跟我的家人一起去。 I am going with my family. 4.我和我的家人在一起。 I am with my family. ;Mr.Jones and his wife are looking at them.;Tim is looking at an aeroplane.;;;It is a fine day today.今天是个大晴天。 ; 2)in the sky 在天空 而不是 on the sky There are some birds in the sky. 天上有一些小鸟。 There are some stars in the sky at night. 晚上天空中有些星星。 ;Some 的用法;;5.Over用法: 1)跨越 They are walking over the bridge.他们正在过桥。 2)在……上面(没有接触面) The bridge is over the water .桥在水面上。 3)结束,完了 Game is over.游戏结束。 4) 在……期间 I am always in the garden over lunch. 午饭时我总是在花园里。 5)超过 There are over 50 people in the garden. 房间里有50多个人。;一、用a,an ,或the填空 1.I don’t know _______ girl under the tree. 2.She has ______ QQ number. 3.----Where


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