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Unit 11 We all have our troubles New words and expressions trouble [tr?bl] set up [set ?p] sir [s?:] straight away travel [tr?vl] 安排 先生 adv. 立刻 v. 旅行 n. 问题,麻烦事 last week the week before last yesterday the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow 上上星期 昨天 前天 后天 上星期 traffic jam [‘tr?f?k d??m] n.交通阻塞 class [klɑ:s] n.(一节)课 meeting [mi:t??] n.会议 hospital [‘h?sp?tl] n.医院 party [‘pɑ:t?] n.聚会 kind [ka?nd] 亲切的,乐于助人的 上星期 问题,麻烦事 后天 立刻 前天 旅行 安排 上上星期 根据英语说出汉语意思. 交通阻塞 会议 一节课 医院 前天 旅行 聚会 亲切的 根据英语说出汉语意思. meeting traffic jam hospital straight away party trouble travel yesterday 根据英语说出汉语意思. Listening and understanding Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: Where was Anna the day before yesterday? 听录音,然后回答问题: 前天安娜在哪儿? JACK: Anna, I want you to call Pierre in Paris. I’m going to Paris first thing tomorrow. I want to meet with him at 8 o‘clock. Can you set it up , please? And can you get me some coffee? first thing tomorrow—表示时间的副词短语=very early tomorrow morning(明天一早) meet with—英式英语中meet用作及物动词:meet him,或者have a meeting with him. ANNA: Yes, sir. Straight away,Paris! Again! He was in Paris last week! last week:表示过去时间的标记语。 was—be的一般现在时肯定式第三人称单数形式: JANEY: Wasn‘t he in Washington last week? ANNA:? No, he was in Washington the week before last. JANEY: Some people have all the luck! ANNA:? Yes, I know. I want to travel, but Im always here at my desk. I was here yesterday. I was here the day before yesterday. have all the luck—固定用法,表示的意思是(能够得到的全部的幸运) JANEY: We‘re going to be here tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. ANNA:? And next week, and next month! We’re going to be here tomorrow—going-to将来时+tomorrow; the day after tomorrow, next week, next month—这些是表示将来时间的短语。 JACK: Anna, Janey, I’m sorry for you both. But we all have our troubles in life. And I’m looking forward to my coffee. I’m sorry for you both—be sorry for+宾语,意为“对某



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