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23 5 Vo.l 23 No. 5 2010 10 W orld Forestry Research Oct2010 * 1 2 刘 萍 曹玉昆 ( 1, 150040; 2 , 150030) : 在介绍美国国有林经营政策的基础上, 针对中国国有林经营现状, 提出应借鉴的经验: 轻税费负担, 加强营造 林基础; 提高林业科技水平, 发展高效林业; 构建国有林资源法制化管理体系; 重视跨部门跨学科的交流和合作; 采用 生态系统管理方法, 开发和保护并重 : 美国, 国有林经营, 多用途持续高产法, 森林和牧场可再生资源规划法, 国有林经营法 : F3162, 750 : A : 1001- 424 1( 2010) 05- 0049- 04 National ForestM anagem ent in theUSA and its Im plications to China 1 2 L iu P ing Cao Yukun ( 1 College of E conom ics andM anagem ent, Northeast AgricultureUn iversity, H arb in 150030, China; 2 College of Econom ics and M anagem ent, Northeast Forestry Un ivers ity, H arbin 150040, Ch ina) Abstract: The paper stud ied systematically theAmerican national forestm anagement policy and analyzed the existing operating conditions of national forests in China It provided a series of helpfu l proposals for Ch inese national forest managem ent such as removing the heavy burdens of national forest taxes to enhance forest management and establishmen;t mi proving the level of forestry science and technology to develop efficient forestry; bu ilding a law - based national forest resources management system; emphasizing on cross - departmental and interdisciplinary exchange and cooperation; adopting ecosystem managem ent method to develop forest economy and achieve the harmony betw een man and forests, and ensuring the rational management and sustainable development of national forest K ey words: U A, national forestm


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