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摘要 在钢管测长时 ,需要实时了解每根顶杆的长度、外径、使用次数等信息。本论文介绍了通过在顶杆尾部开槽的方式 ,实现顶杆的识别与信息跟踪,给出了系统的检测原理。本课题主要研究工作: 1.综合叙述了钢管的工艺生产流程,说明了国内顶杆自动识别系统的开发现状及存在的问题并阐述了顶杆自动识别系统的工作原理及流程。 2.提出了系统总体的设计要求,根据系统的整体组成结构进行了机架设计,传感器的应用及检测原理,包括系统组成和工作过程以及设计时应注意的问题。 3.主要是对系统所需要的主要机械零部件进行选型,并对选择过程做出相应说明,以及一些相关的力学和强度校核计算还有给出零部件的受力变形图等设计过程。 4.简述了plc的组成模块及plc的编程。 5.总结了顶杆自动识别系统和软件系统开发过程所做的工作,并对系统的改进方向进行了展望。 关键词 测长;顶杆;检测;机架;横梁;传感器;plc Abstract In the pipe length measurement, it needs real-time understanding of each mandril the length, diameter, the frequency of use, and other information.In this paper we introduced through the mandril tail slotted the way to achieve mandril the identification and tracking information, the system is detecting principle. The main research topics: 1. Comprehensive described the pipe of the production process, that the domestic mandril Automatic Identification System and the Development of the existing problems and described the mandril automatic identification system works and processes. 2. Raised the overall system design requirements, according to the overall structure of the rack design, sensors detect the application and principles of the note, including the composition and work of system design process and they should pay attention to the problem. 3. The system is required by the major mechanical components for selection, and selection process to make the corresponding notes, and some of the relevant check the mechanical strength and there are parts of the calculation of the force, such as deformation of the design process . 4. Outlined the composition of plc modules and plc programming. 5. Summed up the mandril automatic identification systems and software systems development process of the work done and the direction of improving the system of the future. Keywords Measuring mandril detection rack beams sensor plc 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc201373003 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc201373003 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc201373004 1.1引言 PAGEREF _Toc201373004 \h 1 H


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