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获取竞争优势的人力资源管理 之八 Human Resource Management Gaining a Competitive Advantage Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining 劳动关系和集体谈判  Explain the structure and purpose of industrial relations 解释劳动关系的结构和目标  Explain how to prepare for union contract negotiations and discuss the step in the actual bargaining sessions解释合同谈判的准备和 实施过程  Discuss the development of the collective bargaining in the Chinese‘s enterprises讨论中 国企业劳动协商制度的未来发展  Explain how to managing layoff 解释如何进行裁员管 理 1.Industrial Relations Systems 劳动关系系统要素  John Dunlop: 4 factor of the industrial relations systems 劳资关系四要素: 1.1 Environment 环境 1.2 Participants 参与者 1.3 Regulations 规则 1.4 Culture and awareness 文化和意识 形态 2.Labor Relations System Model劳动关 系模型 Strategy for gaining Competitive advantage Goals of union, Union and its employer Opposite society negotiators interaction of Structure and Organization, Goals actualization Management Negotiation, union Of unions management Employer society 3.Strategic Goals of Society, Union and Employers社会,工会和雇主的战略目标 3.1 Strategic goals of society社会目标(new-classical economy):  Economic efficiency and social justice and stability 经济的效益 和社会公平与稳定。  income differentials are essential to economic growth that can encourage workers to work harder and promote employers to offer high wages relative to their less successful competitors.收 入的差距是经济增长的动力基础  Economic growth is positively related to e


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