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. .. 地震英语词汇 aftershock 余震 airdropped goods 空投物资 armed police 武警 casualties 伤亡人数 charity organization 慈善组织 charity performance 义演 class resumption 恢复(再取回) 复课 class suspension 停课 collapsed building 倒塌房屋 death toll 死亡人数 debris / rubble 废墟 earthquake-hit region 受灾地区 earthquake monitoring 地震监控 earthquake relief 抗震救灾 emergency measure 紧急措施 epicenter 震中 essentials /necessities 生活必需品 evacuation? evacuee 撤离者,疏散者 撤离 field hospital 野战医院 first-aid 急救 ?????????????????????????????? fundraise:raise money for a cause or project 募捐 Candidates must fundraise effectively and win public support in opinion polls to be considered viable. 候选人必须有效筹资并获得的舆论支持才能胜出。 green channel 绿色通道(Chinas banking regulators Wednesday ordered all the banks to open a green channel disaster relief donations from home and abroad and scrape the remittance charge. 银监会周三要求各银行金融机构开辟抗震救灾捐款快速通道,不得向境内外汇往灾区的捐款收取手续费。) international aid 国际援助 international maritime 海的,海上的,海事的satellite telephone 国际海事卫星电话 landslide 山体滑坡 life detector 生命探测器 life line 生命线 makeshift 临时措施 ? a. 临时的 house 简易房屋 medical team 医疗队 mud flow 泥石流debris flow national mourning day 国家哀悼日 Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) 非政府组织 power restoration 恢复供电 prime time for rescue 救援黄金时间 relief materials 救灾物资 rescue effort 救援行动 rescue team 救援队 rescue worker 救援人员 Richter Scale 里氏震级 search and rescue work 搜救行动 seismographer [ saizm?gr?f? ] . 地震学家 sniffer 嗅探者,嗅探器 dog / rescue dog / search dog 救援犬 survivor 幸存者 temporary shelter camp 临时避难所 trapped person 被困人员 victims 受灾群众 civic 公民的 Its a civic pride to have a champion. 拥有世界冠军是我们每个公民的骄傲。 cyclone 飓风 daunting 使人畏缩的The prospect of meeting the President is quite daunting. 一想到要会见总统就足以令人心悸. dire 迫切的可怕的,悲惨的,阴惨的They are in a dire extremity. 他们在悲惨的穷途末路。 dub 授予称号 fragile 虚弱的 hitch 搭便车 junta 军政府 impel 激励 mobilize 动员 orphan 孤儿 philanthropy 善心 tremor 震动 unprecedented 史无前例的 Bonus Expressions hands-on 亲自动手的 He adopts a


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