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Unit1 activity 5
Interviewer: What do you think is the biggest problem facing our cities?
Erika: I think it‘s overcrowding. Talk to anyone living in a major metropolitan area and they will say the same thing.Theres no space. Even the suburbs are getting crowded.
Interviewer: Well, in some places there simply isnt any land left for building, right?
Erika: Yes, thats true, but you have to think creatively. You cant give up so easily.
Interviewer: Think creatively? What do you suggest?
Erika: What Im saying is that we can build more structures underground. We can add parking lots, malls, hotels, and even apartment buildings. Theres plenty of space.
Interviewer: Isnt it expensive?
Erika: Yes, it can be. In the past building underground has been very expensive. However, we have new technology that will bring the cost down. It involves using robots. You dont have to pay robots a salary!
Interviewer: Isnt building down more dangerous than other kind of construction?
Erika:Actually, I think its safer than building skyscrapers, for example. Remember, we already do it. We have subways and underground shopping malls. Im just suggesting we invest in a variety of bigger projects and that we dig deeper.
Interviewer: What would you say to people who doubt your idea?
Erika: I can understand their feelings. Whenever theres a new idea, it can cause controversy. But “building down is not some kind of impractical idea. It makes sense. There is so much space underground: It can accommodate a lot of traffic, storage, and people. With the new technology we have, wed be crazy not to consider the idea –its the wave of the future!
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